Collecting is a pursuit deeply rooted in human nature. For generations, individuals have found joy in amassing treasures, whether they be rare stamps, vintage cars, comics, or trading cards. Yet, along with the exhilarating journey of collecting comes a barrage of myths that often misguide or discourage aspiring collectors. We're here to shatter those misconceptions and remind you that collecting is a personal journey, shaped by your passion and interests.

These are the most common ones I have heard, but PLEASE feel free to let me know which myths you’re sick of hearing down in the comments! 

Myth 1: Collect Only What's Valuable

Debunked: Collect What You Love

One of the most common myths is that collectors should focus solely on items of high financial value. In the Comic world, this notion leads many to chase after sought-after, pricey comics in the hope of future profits. However, true collectors understand that the value of their collection goes beyond dollars and cents.

Collecting is about passion, nostalgia, and personal connection. Whether it's that quirky, seldom-played card from your first booster pack or a beautifully illustrated piece of art, what truly matters is the joy your collection brings you. Embrace the collectible that resonates with your heart, and your collection will reflect your unique journey through the collectibles multiverse.

Myth 2: There’s a “Right” Type of Collector

Debunked: Diverse Collectors Make the Community Richer

Some collectors mistakenly believe that there is a "right" type of collector—one who is deeply knowledgeable, meticulous, and exclusively focused on a specific niche. This myth can discourage those who feel they don't fit this mold. I’ve heard it plenty of times.

I’m not a “Real” collector because I don’t have enough valuable items, or I don’t commit enough time to it, or I’m knowledgeable enough, or because I didn’t have anything graded, or because I like the idea of getting things graded or… seriously - enter the reason here: ________________ and it’s been said. If not about me, then about someone else. Some people have a very narrow view of what a “true” collector is. 

In reality, the collecting community thrives on diversity. Collectors come in all shapes and sizes, with varied interests, levels of expertise, and approaches. Whether you dabble in multiple collectible genres or obsessively focus on a particular niche, your unique perspective enriches the collector community. There's no one-size-fits-all approach to collecting, and every type of collector contributes to the vibrancy of the hobby.

Myth 3: Completing Sets is the Ultimate Goal

Debunked: Individual Issues and Cards Hold Unique Value

Completing entire sets can be a rewarding accomplishment, but it's not the be-all and end-all of collecting. Some collectors mistakenly believe that owning every card from an expansion is the ultimate goal. While it's an admirable pursuit, it's essential to recognize that individual cards within a set hold unique value. Personally, I’m a completionist myself so I totally get why some would think you should always have the full run of comics or cards. 

Certain cards, comics, posters, and games become iconic due to their artwork, playability, storyline, or historical significance. They can often be more sought after than completing an entire set. Embrace the cards that resonate with you, and don't feel pressured to complete every set unless that's genuinely your passion. 

Myth 4: Collecting Is About Profit

Debunked: Collecting Is About Personal Satisfaction

Lastly, there's a myth that collecting is solely a profit-driven endeavor. While it's true that some collectors may see their collections appreciate in value, that should not be the primary motivation. Some of my favorite pieces hold no value to others. Some of those “true” collectors I was talking about? They might look at something on eBay, and say it’s not worth the $5, when to someone else, they’d buy it for $10 because that’s the value to them.

Collecting should bring you personal satisfaction and happiness. Whether it's the thrill of discovery, the nostalgia of old cards, or the joy of sharing your collection with fellow enthusiasts, focus on the intrinsic rewards of collecting. The financial aspect can be a bonus, but it should never overshadow the sheer joy of the hobby.

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, collecting is a deeply personal and enriching journey. It's a realm where myths should be shattered, and passion should be celebrated. Whether you're drawn to Comics, TCG, vintage cars, or any other collectibles, remember that what matters most is the connection you have with your treasures. 

So, collect what you love, at your own pace, and with your own unique passion—it's what makes you a true collector. Happy collecting!

*Any perceived investment advice is that of the freelance blogger and does not represent advice on behalf of GoCollect.