In this newsletter, our friends from Dust Press announce the Book #2 Launch Party, a Book #3 update, a 25% off coupon and much more.

Book 2 Launch Party —join us!
We're celebrating the launch of book #2 at Baker Book House on Saturday, December 15 at 11:00 AM. Alan will be demonstrating how he draws comic books. We'll be signing your books and we're giving away an iPod Nano filled with David Crowder Band music! Read all about it on our website.

Seven Sons —rumble in ephesus.
Work on Book #3, titled Seven Sons has begun. Taken from Acts 19:11-20, this story packs a punch that will leave you stunned. What first appears to be a story randomly dropped into the text turns out to be an event that rocked the world. Get ready now by reading Acts 19.

Curriculum —coming soon.
We asked youth leaders what would make Dust even better. They told us they would like curriculum. So, curriculum is now underway and you'll be able to download it for Fire From Heaven and The Blessed Curse soon. If you have any comments or requests for our curriculum team, send them to us at

Fill in the bubbles
Now you can be the storyteller too! We've posted pages from Fire From Heaven and The Blessed Curse that have empty speech bubbles. Print them out and fill-in the bubbles. Download these fill-in-the-bubble pages and have fun. We'd love to see your work, email it to us at

Fundraising with Dust
Kick the candy and wrapping paper to the curb! Dust is here to save the day. No matter what you are raising funds for, general fund, mission trips, building campaign, supplies, you name it, selling Dust is simple and easy. Dust aligns with your organization's purpose, it's totally unique and your group can earn more than you thought possible. Contact Mark Carpenter to discuss how Dust can help you reach your fundraising goals.

25% Off Coupon —two days only
Good things come to those who read to the bottom of the newsletter! We'd like to invite you to shop at our Dust store and take 25% off your orders over $25.00. Use this coupon code when you check out: SECRETDUST and save 25% today and tomorrow only - December 4-5, 2007.

Thank you for your continued support,

The crew at Dust.