Elephantmen #17Media Release -- Elephantmen has been back on a monthly schedule throughout 2009, and readers and retailers are responding. Our next three issues, featuring the work of talented newcomer Marian Churchland, are already in the can, with #18 due out in two weeks, and our numbers up, thanks in part to the awesome cover by J. Scott Campbell.

Most of all, thank you for your continued support of the book!

Praise for Issue 17:

"I'm honestly running out of ways to praise this series, and yet well-crafted issues like this keep demanding that I do so. With this issue, ELEPHANTMEN earns its second BOOK OF THE WEEK honor for 2009 and does so by simply blowing every other issue out of the water."

— Ryan The Iowan , Weekly Power Rankings

"Extraordinary. Starkings makes use of the entire panoply of pulp genres to create exciting and atmospheric stories in which he can explore the various social issues that are at the heart of what the book is about."

— David E. Ford, Jr. , Comics For Serious Readers

"The art tells a tremendous story. The series rarely churns out a bad issue and this one falls on the side of being great."

— Brandon Borzelli , Geek Goggle Reviews

"Another strong issue from a series I continue to enjoy."

— Darrell Ferguson , Life of Darrell

"Starkings got me addicted and I've loved every second of it. I'm gonna keep on buying till it's all done with because the book is awesome."

— Chris Hansbrough , Geek Syndicate


Freed from his lonely prison cell, the Elephantman known as Tusk wanders aimlessly along the dark avenues and alleyways of Mystery City... until he is taken into the care of another lost soul, and then his problems truly begin...

By Richard Starkings, Moritat & Rob Steen. Cover by Rob Steen, variant cover by Erik Larsen & Boo Cook.

March 25, 2009
32pp full color for $3.50
Diamond #JAN09 2393