Eleventh Hour Vol 1, the latest installment in the Eagle Award Nominated anthology series produced by Orang Utan Comics Studio and published by AAM/Markosia has joined the digital revolution in comics this week. The full 80 page trade paperback is now available in four parts on the popular online comic download site, Wowio (www.wowio.com). Not only can you now read every page of this groundbreaking anthology for free, but each part also includes exclusive bonus material drawn from the extremely rare and hard to find first two issues of Eleventh Hour, released by Orang Utan Comics Studio back in 2007.

“Many people have told us that they’d love to read the book,” commented Orang Utan Comics managing editor, Ian Sharman, “but they’ve had trouble finding a copy as their local comic shops have refused to order it for them as, apparently, anthology comics don’t sell. Now that we’re on Wowio we can reach a much wider audience, with readers from across the globe being able to download the book or read it online.”

Comic fans from anywhere in the world can use Wowio’s new “Read Online” feature to read through the entire book online for free, and readers based in the USA can currently download it for free (those outside the USA can download each part for just $0.99).

Please follow these links to find Eleventh Hour Vol 1 on Wowio:

Eleventh Hour Vol 1: Part 1

Eleventh Hour Vol 1: Part 2

Eleventh Hour Vol 1: Part 3

Eleventh Hour Vol 1: Part 4

Orang Utan Comics Studio are currently hard at work on Eleventh Hour Vol 2, with exciting new writers joining the team, including Cy Dethan (Starship Troopers) and Dwight L. MacPherson (Surreal Adventures of Edgr Allan Poo), and the hugely talented Azim Akberali (Ray Harryhausen Presents Return to Mysterious Island) and Diego Simone (Starship Troopers) among the returning artists.

For more information on Orang Utan Comics visit them online at www.orangutancomics.co.uk