G.I. Joe #4

Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle Reviews

GI Joe #4
IDW Comics
Dixon & Atkins

Another fine issue for the GI Joe main series is rolled out this week. I say “fine” because this issue, like the previous three, is simply okay. They aren’t great but they certainly aren’t boring either. This whole first arc has been rather slow but gives enough in the way of Joes and vehicles to keep my interest. However, the storyline isn’t grabbing me or leaving me wanting more. I find myself waiting for things to pick up.

The issue begins with probably the best part of the comic: Destro and Baroness continue their fight. It’s still not entirely clear how or on what level they actually know each other. When he sold his arms to Cobra did he deal with her or is she purely an assassin? This dynamic is both interesting and multi-layered.

From here we continue with the Joes battling the robots. These opening scenes in the battle have some very good images and roll out a couple of characters that we haven’t seen. Some of them have grand entrances, even if they are only on one panel.

The Joes finally figure out what to do and dispatch Tunnel Rat to find the robot hiding the air ducts trying to reach the surface. This is very good use of Tunnel Rat and helps get another character established in this series. “The Duke” (as the recap on the inside of the cover calls him) and Beachhead attempt to navigate the Joe’s minefield to pursue the robot before it gives away the position of the base.

The issue is pretty good. It has some action, some nice character interaction and some excellent artwork. However, the arc, the opening arc mind you, is about robot spiders in their base. It just doesn’t have a very cool ring to it. It doesn’t even matter that the spiders trash the base and kill off some no-name Joes, the plot itself makes this comic less exciting than it should be.

However, the dull story is helped by the way the characters are used and how they interact. For example, we get a little insight into why Duke and Scarlett seem to have some dislike for each other in this issue. We also see exactly how hands-on Hawk is when there is a firefight and how the others follow him when they aren’t in awe of him. It’s all good stuff.

The artwork has the luxury of being able to tuck cool vehicles all over the place. This only makes the scenes that much better. In some ways I find myself looking at the fringes of the panels first to see if there is someone or something new hiding there. This art just screams out GI Joe. It’s classic in an updated sense.

The issue has some action and has some new characters getting some page time here. The art is tremendous and some of the character portrayals are awesome as well. However, the story just isn’t something I can sink my teeth into. I find myself wishing the robot spiders would just go away already. This was a fun issue with an odd opening arc plot sagging it down.

3.5 out of 5 geek goggles