LOS ANGELES (April 7, 2008) -- Ladies! People who aren’t Ladies! The comics social event of the season is now the fashion event of the season as well, with the first-ever GWEN AND MARY JANE LOOKALIKE CONTEST at the New York Comic Convention April 18-20! So dig out those go-go boots, and we'll all have to face it, Tiger—We're about to hit the jackpot!

And a man who oughtta know will determine who's belle of this ball! Legendary Spider-Man artist John Romita Sr. will judge the contest! John is the FIRST artist EVER to draw MJ, and knows his way around Glamorous Gwendolyn as well—so make sure your getup is spot-on!

"I look forward to trying to choose which blonde and redhead most resembles Gwen Stacy and MJ Watson at the New York Con April 19th. It's bound to be tough work, but someone has to do it," joked John Romita Sr.

One Grand Prize winner in each of Gwen and Mary Jane categories will receive an Essential Spider- Man paperback with an ORIGINAL John Romita sketch! And the lucky ladies will also share a "Look Who's Talking" page in a future Marvel comic, where they'll get to tell the world about their exploits!

Contestants must sign up at The Hero Initiative booth, #964, at the New York Comic Convention on April 18 or 19. Contestants must be 18 or over with a valid government-issued photo ID. Report to the stage area in the Southwest corner of the convention floor by 2:45 PM on Saturday, April 19, and the contest will start promptly at 3 PM!

One thing to remember, True Believers: Put a touch more work into your costumes than editors Tom Brevoort and Nick Lowe (Gwen and MJ, respectively) did at http://www.marvel.com/news/comicstories.3088.Gwen_%26_MJ_Look-Alike_Contest_at_NYCC .

The Hero Initiative is the first-ever federally chartered not-for-profit corporation dedicated strictly to helping comic book creators in need. Hero creates a financial safety net for yesterdays' creators who may need emergency medical aid, financial support for essentials of life, and an avenue back into paying work. It's a chance for all of us to give back something to the people who have given us so much enjoyment. For more information, call 310-909-7809 or visit www.HeroInitiative.org .

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