KIRBY FIVE-OH! (the 50th issue of The Jack Kirby Collector, which will be a double-size softcover BOOK instead of the regular magazine) is on press now, and scheduled to ship on April 25. To celebrate 50 issues, we're making a special LIMITED HARDCOVER EDITION available.

The hardcover version features all the original contents of the softcover version, but with a full-color wrapped hardcover, and an individually-numbered extra Kirby art plate not included in the softcover edition! This hardcover edition is ONLY AVAILABLE FROM TWOMORROWS, is not sold in stores, and we'll set the number of copies printed based on pre-orders placed in the next 24 hours. So if you're interested, go to this link right away to order your HARDCOVER copy for $34.95:

(If clicking on the above link doesn't work, please just copy and paste the URL into your web browser.)

NOTE: Due to the extra printing and binding time involved, the hardcover version will ship approximately two weeks after the softcover, but we guarantee it'll be worth the wait!

Best regards,
John Morrow
10407 Bedfordtown Dr.
Raleigh, NC 27614
fax 919-449-0327