November 27, 2007

Boston, MA –, a leader in online comics publishing, is proud to announce the launch of "Projekt: Werwolf", a new World War II action/adventure online comic by fledgling creator Jon Colton and his creative team of Kathryn Colton and Kevin Shriver.

"If I were to say what this book is about in two words, it'd be 'Nazi Werewolves'!" says Colton. "This idea really came to me from a History Channel special on WWII. After the Americans had occupied Germany, they faced a group of Nazi SS, an insurgency that engaged in terrorist tactics. The codename for this group was 'Werwolf' – I thought to myself, 'What if they had been actual werewolves'? And the just like that, a comic book was born."

"What I love about Projekt: Werwolf is that Jon has infused the story with lots of action, many twists and turns, and a moral message, but it doesn't take itself too seriously," comments Patrick Coyle, co-founder of Komikwerks. "One of the reasons we started Komikwerks was to publish FUN comics. And Jon's got a ton of fun stuff in this comic. I mean, come on – Nazi. Werewolves. That says it all!"

Colton adds "I'm glad to be a part of Komikwerks – they have attracted so much talent, both from established pros in the industry and genuine newcomers to comics, such as myself. And I like the diversity of comic books that they offer. It just seems like a natural fit for Projekt: Werwolf."

Projekt: Werwolf has begin its weekly updates on, and will update weekly.