Per Scott Edelman on Twitter, this story and photo is of Len Wein's house that caught on fire Monday morning:

WOODLAND HILLS - Two residents escaped a house fire Monday but one of their two dogs was killed in the blaze believed started by combustible items left next to an electric wall heater, authorities said.

Flames broke out at 8:20 a.m. in the 6300 block of Jumilla Avenue. The fire raged through a bedroom and bathroom, said Devin Gales, Los Angeles Fire Department spokesman.

One man injured his knee as he fled the burning home. But the man and another resident made it out of the house safely before firefighters arrived, Gales said.

Firefighters found excessive storage piled near the heater and believe that likely caused the fire.

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Daily News Wire Services
WINNETKA - A fire damaged a single-family home in Winnetka today, but no one was hurt, authorities said.

Firefighters sent to the 6300 block of N. Jumilla Avenue about 8:20 a.m. doused the flames in about 10 minutes, said Devin Gales of the Los Angeles Fire Department.

The cause of the fire was under investigation. A damage estimate was not immediately available.

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