Newsarama's Ryan the Iowan published his Yearly Review Power Rankings, featuring his picks for the Best of 2007, and singled out Moritat as Best Penciller of the Year!

"I'm speechless," reported the Artist formerly known as Justin Norman, "And also very, very cold," with that, Moritat ducked out of the rain into his local library with nothing more than an armful of drawing paper and a bellyful of Seattle's Best coffee, and promised not to emerge until the art for WAR TOYS #2 was completed.

ELEPHANTMEN also ranked highly in the following categories:

Best Ongoing Title of the Year
2. ELEPHANTMEN -- "There is no ongoing series that is more hauntingly beautiful and thought-provoking than Image's criminally under-read Elephantmen, by the masterful creative team of Richard Starkings, Moritat, and Ladronn."

Best One-Shot of the Year
3. ELEPHANTMEN: PILOT -- "The gorgeous pin-ups and fun alternate reality stories made this one-shot a can't miss issue for fans of the regular series."

Best Single Issue of the Year

Best Cover Artist of the Year
3. LADRÖNN (Elephantmen, All-New Atom, Incredible Hulk)

and last but not least...

Writer of the Year
Honorable Mention: Richard Starkings

It's rare that Richard Starkings is mentioned honorably, so it's rather nice of Ryan to honor him so, um, honorably... "It's true," said Starkings, "I am not always honorable, primarily because we spell it correctly in England, with a 'u' -- my capacity for appreciation is bottomless however, as it's very hard to take the 'u' out of gratitude, and I wold like to offer my hmble thanks to Ryan for inclding me on his list of so many redobtable writers."