The DITKO LOOKED UP web site has announced a new Steve Ditko book that is available from Robin Snyder.

Friday April 11, 2008: Steve Ditko's first new book in 8 years is available now (if you discount the 2002 "Avenging World" compilation that was filled with old articles and artwork)! It is 48 pages and costs $4.95.

This week's April issue of the small-press fanzine, The Comics (put out monthly by Robin Snyder, Ditko's co-publisher when he put out his last original book, Steve Ditko's 176-Page Heroes Package in 2000, and the above-mentioned 2002 compilation) has the following details...

Now Available for $4.95 + 1.55 P&H in US. S&H, 4.05 in Europe
to: Robin Snyder 3745 Canterbury Lane #81, Bellingham, WA 98225-1186 Comic Collector