Ambrosia Publishing has they will not be publishing Plastic Farm.

First, the announcement from Ambrosia:

It is with regret to announce PLASTIC FARM is no longer at Ambrosia Publishing due to creative differences.

I do hope PLASTIC FARM finds a home somewhere, and I wish Rafer (creator of PLASTIC FARM) the best of luck with everything.

Wesley Craig Green, publisher
Ambrosia Publishing

The response from Plastic Farm:

Wesley's made the announcement up on the Ambrosia site, so I reckon I should mention it here:

Plastic Farm is no longer a part of Ambrosia. Wesley uses the phrase "creative differences" in his announcement, which is accurate, but is also something I am not going to go into more detail on. This split is an amicable one, and is going to work out for the best for all parties involved.

In the next few days I'll have some announcements regarding:

The Plastic Farm: Sowing Seeds on Fertile Soil TPB (which will be coming out sooner than you think)

The Plastic Farm Fertilizer, an interlude in three aprils OGN (which I'm assured by my artists that their parts will be done quite soon)

MISHIT, the non-plastic comics of Rafer Roberts collection (which I posted a cover tease for a few days ago, and which I reckon will be available for purchase in January)

And, a little further down the road, once all three of these books are available, I'll start talking about Plastic Farm Part Two.

For those of you who were reading the serialization up on the Ambrosia site, please feel free to visit my ComicSpace page where we've also been serializing the comic.