Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle Reviews

Project Superpowers #2
Dyanamite Comics
Ross, Krueger, Paul, Bowland & Carita

This issue gives many more new characters. They are popping up all over the place, while the main group escapes from their battle. While I understand the main plot about the breaking of the urn, I’m not sure I understand the secondary good versus evil plot going on here. I found myself not really sure who to root for and why I would want to root for anyone in some of the scenes. The art is excellent, as is the creativity with which these characters are born again into the modern age. I am unsure what to make of this series overall.

This issue begins in an odd way. The Fighting Yank has a nice monologue while the visual is of a new character, Deft-Defying Devil (Triple D for short) dashing through the streets fighting crime. The Yank comes to terms with his own death and how he is basically going out with his boots on. The Yank keeps hearing from everyone how he is going to die and how he is an old man. Both are true it seems to me.

The Yank is trying to fight off the robots that used to be the Dynamic family when the Black Terror enters the fray. Terror decides to give old man Yank a pass on his execution while he starts pounding on robots. You might be wondering where the Green Llama is during this. Well he uses the old tree trunk trick to give them an escape.

Yank (and his ghosts), Llama and Terror all end up in Shangri-La. Terror again expresses his anger with the Yank and all that he did in the past to keep him imprisoned in the urn. The tentative plan is to find the others that may have sprung up around the world, in the same way that the Black Terror showed up.

The issue concludes with an interesting exchange with two super powered beings. One is an old man who may be Moses, named Samson, and Scarab. I’m not sure who is the villain and who is the good guy. Maybe they are both good guys. We also see another super powered guy, the Flame (I deduce his name from the cover), screaming amidst some flames. Finally, the Dynamic family has a good, old fashioned scheme cooking.

It’s a much faster issue than any of the other two. It jumps from scene to scene and character to character. It gives little snippets of plot, without giving out much information. I found the popping up of characters all over the world to be a very cool concept. I am at a loss about the whole Dynamic family and the whole robot thing. Apparently they run the world though.

The character interaction between Yank and Terror was pretty good too. It’s nice to see some dialogue that isn’t filled with gas, as was the case with the Green Llama’s dialogue in the last issue. This issue had much less humor, but still managed a few old man jokes on Yank.

The art work is solid and really carries this issue. The wide range of characters in this comic all have their own distinct features that look stunning in their own way. Factor in the interesting settings for the characters and you have a very good visual story.

I’m liking certain threads of this series so far and the art. I am confused about some of the plotlines in this series though. Sure, there are a bunch of issues left in the series for it to dovetail nicely, but is there enough story in the meantime to hold my interest? Based on the cover for next month’s issue I would say we are getting two new characters with more of a prominent role to make it more interesting.

3 out of 5 geek goggles.

Project Superpowers #2