Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle Reviews

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic #26
Dark Horse Comics
Miller, Hepburn, Pimentel & Parsons

The second part of the Vector crossover has very little advancement on that front. Instead, this issue is more about the growing arc that this title is in the middle of. This particularly story is very interesting. Especially if you like The Thing, zombies or Skrulls.

You may remember from last issue (and even if you don’t the recap catches readers up to speed very quickly) that Zayne and Gryph found a Jedi named, Celeste. The three of them stumbled upon some Mandalorians discovering the Muur Talisman, a scorpion-like thing. It just so happens that Celeste was looking for the same item.

The Mandalorians leave the planet with the three as stowaways. One Mandalorian, Pulsipher, tries to unleash the power of the Talisman. He does and it backfires on him. He begins attacking members of his crew.

Celeste escapes the ship when it lands and Zayne and Gryph attempt to follow her. Of course, Zayne and Gryph get captured. They get grouped with a bunch of other prisoners. Zayne and Gryph get separated and Zayne bumps into Celeste. Then Gryph, decked out ridiculously in Mandalorian garp, finds them.

They attempt to infiltrate the inner city with Gryph as the guard of the two fake techie prisoners. They get to an unguarded area and eventually Gryph gives away their position. When the Mandalorians return they all become the Rakghoul creatures. Celeste tries to cut them all up, but they eventually find the entire army of them. It appears the prisoners are being given the plague to help make them the monster army.

This issue has a lot that doesn’t fit. First of all, the amount of unguarded areas that Zayne, Celeste and Gryph find themselves around is staggering and not believable for a military base with prisoners. Secondly, the Talisman is barely explained any further in this issue over the previous one. Lastly, the zombie army, how exactly do the Mandalorians except to control them or does this have to do with Talisman?

The issue itself is a decent issue for Knights of the Old Republic, but there have been much better ones than this one. Zayne has a small role and almost plays second fiddle to all of Gryph’s jokes. Another problem is Celeste allows these two losers to hang around with her. It doesn’t all fit very well.

What I did like was the premise for the story. I like that the Mandalorians are recruiting prisoners to fight their war and that they are trying to use zombies to attack, even if it is odd and not fully explained at this point. Also I liked the character of Celeste. A more experienced Jedi is definitely a welcome addition to the team.

The art has a bit of a cartoon-like feel, but it fits the slapstick comedy that Zayne and Gryph are constantly engaged in. It has the Star Wars feel, for sure with the ships, armor and weaponry.

I am disappointed we aren’t getting much new information on the Talisman, which is the piece of the Vector puzzle I guess. I also am not liking the new spin on Zayne and Gryph’s comedy routine at all. Gryph acting like a fool works some of the time, but not an entire issue. I do like the plot of the arc though. It’s a nice change from the hunter-prey arcs of the past issues. I am hoping next issue gives us more about the Talisman. I also hope that Zayne and Gryph get more serious. I expect more from this issue, even if you discount the whole Vector thing.

3 out of 5 geek goggles.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic #26-Vector part 2