Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle Reviews

Terminator 2 #7
Dynamite Comics
Palmiotti & Raynor

This issue wraps up the crossover between Painkiller Jane and the Terminator. It has been solid so far, and while this issue provides for some good entertainment, I found it to contain instances of major departure from the core of this title’s character. So what does that mean? It means I liked it and disliked it.

If you recall, Jane took a beating last issue. This beating left her dead. We’ve seen Jane die before so this isn’t a problem. What is the problem is she wakes up and heals herself way, way too fast. This healing factor is a bit of a mystery, but in this particular case she fixes herself up in a matter of hours. In past arcs it has taken days or longer to wake up and be on the road to recovery. This all felt too Wolverine-like, where it’s convenient to have her get better for this story, but for other stories it makes sense for it to take a lot of time.

There is also an odd element in the timeline of this story and not the time travel part of the timeline. The Terminator thinks Jane is dead, so what is its objective now? Apparently, it just hides in Central Park. Wouldn’t you think it would follow up to make sure Jane was dead? This was kind of bizarre.

Eventually, Jane’s daughter, Vanessa, shows up and finds the Terminator, Jane and Maureen. This is where the issue gets wrapped up really, really fast. Basically, Jane listens to Vanessa and runs away from the Terminator to let Vanessa handle it. Something explodes and the issue ends.

The problem with this ending is that it simply isn’t believable that Jane would allow someone else to do the dirty work and with barely an argument. Jane is a badass, she isn’t going to let someone else be the badass.

One other problem I have is we don’t know how this ended. Is Vanessa dead? You would guess so, but it happens so quickly we really don’t get much of an explanation. The good news is that Vanessa has a son, Dean, who could also travel back in time and try to stop her death or something and on and on.

Look, I liked this issue and this series. It was something different and I understand the purpose was to cross sell. However, the Jane in this issue isn’t the Jane that we normally get. That, to me, is a problem.

The issue gives great action. It also gives some really nice artwork. The darkness in the faces of the people in the future is outstanding. Add in the lifelessness of the Terminator and this issue really hits all the right marks in the art department of telling this story.

Even the dialogue is great. The cleverness of what Jane and Maureen say to each other hits all the right notes, even after they dismiss away the fact that Jane has a daughter. It’s really true to the characters.

All around, a nice read. Ignore the healing factor inconsistencies and the backing down Jane does and you have yourself a really good story.

3 out of 5 geek goggles.

Terminator 2 Infinity #7