Suspended Animation Review

The Twelve #1, published by Marvel Publishing, Inc., 32 pages, $2.99.

Heroes from a bygone era are placed in suspended animation, only to awake in a time not their own. It’s become a cliche in the medium of comic books, but not so much so that it necessarily relegates a story to staleness. The first issue of Marvel’s The Twelve proves it.

Writer J. Michael Straczynski provides an intriguing look at a group of lesser-known heroes from the Marvel Universe’s W.W. II era, giving fans a surprising amount of information for a first issue. He does it all while keeping readers’ attention with an interesting plot and leaving them with a shocking twist on the final page.

The art of The Twelve is some of the best you’ll find in superhero comics, today. Chris Weston’s style is highly realistic, incredibly expressive, impressively detailed and amazingly dynamic. His characters have their own personalities and quirks, with no two bearing even a slight resemblance. His heroes are heroic (at least, to the point that they are meant to be) and his villains are villainous. In other words, “the good guys look like good guys, and the bad guys...,” well, you get the point. Gary Leach’s inks and Chris Chuckry’s colors just sweeten the deal.

If I were to compare Weston’s art with that of another well-known comic artist, it would be Dave Gibbons. And, Chris’ work may look a tad better than the last few offerings I’ve seen from his colleague. Long-time fans will recognize the lofty nature of such praise.

The first issue of The Twelve is recommended for older readers.

The Twelve #0, by Marvel Comics.

This issue includes origin stories of Rockman, Laughing Mask and Phantom Reporter from comics’ Golden Age. At least one of the stories (Laughing Mask) is reprinted for the first time. Also included are character sketches and a preview of issue 1. Recommended for all readers, but most especially those who seek affordable Golden Age reprints.

Reviews by Mark Allen

Twelve #3

Twelve #4 (of 12)

Twelve #5 (of 12)