Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle Reviews

World of Warcraft #5
Wildstorm Comics (DC)
Simonson, Lullabi & Hope

This issue delivers yet another solid issue which is quickly becoming the norm for a series that is hitting all the right notes out of the box. This isn’t your typical comic thus far, that has canned arcs with part one of X. Instead, the story just moves from issue to issue dealing with the new problem at hand. This format is working for creating interesting stories that fit in a bigger whole.

The issue starts out with a battle. Broll and Lo’Gosh are ambushed by some Harpies (flying female hawk hybrids). Interestingly enough, how does Lo’Gosh identify them if he cant remember anything? I guess he read some World of Warcraft cliff notes or something.

In the fray they happen upon some possessed Furbolgs (they look like bears to me). Apparently, the Furbolgs have the idol that Broll is looking for and it is affecting the Furbolgs in a bad way. The Furbolgs chase away the Harpies and while they celebrate, Broll and Lo’Gosh take advantage and go looking for the idol that they have hidden away.

When they find the idol, an interesting thing happens. The idol unleashes the dragon. This dragon can switch between tangible and intangible at will. To make matters worse, some of the Furbolgs are trying to bust in on the stealing of their idol. Broll puts himself in a trance to try to wrestle away the power of the idol. In the trance, Broll makes peace with all the animals who have turned their back on him and he rejects the bear, who stuck it out with him in the lean years, you know back when he was a gladiator and shunned from his people. Broll wakes up and the idol is in his control and the Furbolgs are free of the idol’s grasp.

It’s a good story. It wraps up the idol story in one issue. It has battles and introduces some new creatures and gives us a ton of insight into Broll. The downside is that his daughter isn’t in this issue at all. I would have liked to have had something about where she is and how she is tracking them.

Another piece of the story that shouldn’t get lost is the lack of development for Lo’Gosh. We know very little about him and the other characters are much more interesting than he is at this point. I guess I would just like to know the purpose he serves in all this.

I loved the art. The colors, the facial expressions, the monsters, the battles, all of it. The artwork is a consistent highlight for this series. It shows a real command of what pops off of the pages.

Where does it go from here? I would think a reunion is in order, but that’s the beauty of this series because I didn’t see this plot cropping up and it did. I like this series a ton and I have never played nor seen the video game. That’s the sign of a comic crossing audiences I would say. This issue would be hard for a new comer to get up to speed on, but they would be entertained with its contents. You would just come away thinking that Broll is the mac-daddy.

4 out of 5 geek goggles.

World Of Warcraft #5