Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle Reviews

Flash #234
DC Comics
Waid, Rogers, Williams II & Braithwaite

This issue of The Flash continues to explore the twins. We get some more insight into their personalities, powers and, to some extent, their fears. This issue offers little action and the only plot movement is the reader getting to know the twins a little more.

We begin the issue with Wally discovering that while at a certain speed he can pull either one of the twins to his location by thinking about them. He pulls a surprised and, ultimately, upset Iris to him by accident. Iris, like many little kids, reacts with disgust. Acting perhaps older than their perceived ages, Iris feels her father will use this new power as a human dog leash.

However, Jai is not as upset with this new power and control that his father now has over him. Jai, is a bit depressed thanks to the events from the previous issue. Jai knows that his parents are concerned for he and his sister and their long term prospects of them living a long life.

Jai decides he cant even tell his sister about his fear and what he overheard his parents saying to the Justice League about them. She goes off and leaves him to sulk. At this point, Jai begins to transform into a part crab part bug like creature. After Jai is missing for some amount of time, Wally uses the dog leash trick to pull him back to him.

After Linda looks over Jai she determines his DNA contains some strange strand that can produce some odd things when Jai is under distress. The issue ends with a call from Superman telling Wally that they have a way to duplicate the portal that the water creatures used to invade Keystone City in the previous issues. This means Superman and Flash plan to follow them to the water creature’s home world.

The back-up story contains six pages about Barry Allen visiting Gorflack, just as Jay Garrick had done in the previous issue. Barry finds an invisible assassin and Gorflack tries to marry off the Flash only to discover Iris is Barry’s wife. Barry does some damage control with Iris to cull the potential storm. For those of that are not the Flash it would take flower and/or money.

Overall this issue was so-so for me. I liked the idea of getting to know the twins more, but as I was reading this issue I couldn’t help but feel like the twins were basically Bart Allen from his Impulse days. You have the extremely bratty personality and then the scared kid persona in the two characters of the twins. This just left me thinking the whole time: why did they kill Bart, only to reuse his character this way?

Also, this issue essentially contained no action at all. Sure, Wally has a new power and Jai has a new flaw in his power, but what else did we get out of this?

I liked the art, but again, this issue didn’t contain anything that needed to be eye-dazzling in the first place, so how do you judge it?

If this review sounds boring then now you know I felt while reading much of this issue.

I’m hanging on to the Flash for now, but probably not much longer. I need to see the twins develop and get some interesting stories and plot around it all.

2 out of 5 geek goggles.

Flash #234

DC Comics