Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle Reviews

Flash #237
DC Comics
Champagne, Turnbull & Thibert

I almost didn’t pick this issue up. One reason was because I disliked the series thus far and the other being that this was a filler issue. I picked it up and starting thumbing through it and decided to give it a shot. It was a solid issue. I’m not saying this issue will change your life or anything, but it’s good. It has some good interaction between the kids, it makes good use of Superman and it has a good pace to it.

The issue starts with Wally hanging out with his family. We have some good interaction among the four of them, but a couple of things stick out as odd. Wally talks about needing to go on a job interview. Why does he need to work? This seemed so odd to me. I mean think about it, they left for a year and their house wasn’t taken away so they must have some money, right? Now he needs a job? Seemed very bizarre. Also odd was how old the kids looked. Especially Jai. He looks like Robin instead of an eight year old. More on the appearance of the kids later.

Wally takes off and while he runs through Africa he sees a lion feasting on a carcass and this reminds him of his kids. Okay. I hope that was supposed to be funny.

Meanwhile, Linda and the kids are off to Metropolis to do a scavenger hunt. Their first item is to find Superman’s cape. Sounds like a slam-dunk to me.

Elsewhere, Flash and Superman are fighting a robotic yeti. I know it sounds nuts but I love it when Flash fights huge creatures like Gorilla Grodd or this yeti thing.

Back in Metropolis the kids find some trouble with a super powered baddie named Livewire. Linda gets Lois to help locate Superman and Supes takes the fall briefly. Wally, fresh off bombing his interview to become a security guard, runs in to save the day.

A pretty good issue. Plenty of action. We get two villains. We get lots of Superman. Plus we get yet another lesson for the youngins. I liked the issue. I think I liked it more than any of the previous arc.

The art was more my style. It had more “cut” lines on Flash and used vibrant colors for Flash, Livewire and Superman. It felt like a comic book to me. The odd part about the kids though, was how much taller Iris was than Jai. I’m talking like a foot taller. It irked me the whole issue. That and their faces looked so old. They don’t look like kids at all.

Notwithstanding the madness that Wally needs a job or the height difference between the twins, I got nothing but good things to say about the comic. Wally was letting his kids get themselves into some trouble and wasn’t freaking out like he had been doing in the previous issues. Wally and Linda are obviously training these kids to be super heroes instead of just trying to control their powers. This story works so well.

If you like a one and done story then this is what you are looking for. If you hated the previous arc then don’t fret, because this is a clean slate. I recommend this issue for all.

4 out of 5 geek goggles.

Flash #237