Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle Reviews

GI Joe: America’s Elite #32
DDP Comics
Powers, Bear, Quinn & Beaulieu

The expectations I have for this title are way too high. It has become impossible to grade an individual issue of this title and arc without taking into account the previous, usually, outstanding issues. The only way to be fair is to try to stick to the basic rule of thumb: “was I entertained?” Yes, I was. Did it move the plot along? Barely. Did it have great action? Not really. Did it have great character development or interactions? None that was noteworthy. In summary, it was a nice issue, but it just doesn’t stack up with the others in this arc. When you flip through it you can see that not a whole lot happens.

This issue does the normal jumping from place to place to check in with various subplots. We get little snippets of Colton making plans, Duke with Rourke infiltrating New York City, other Joes trying to defend various points or just survive, and we see Shipwreck and Cover Girl make it to a Joe carrier. The bulk of the issue is spent on Cobra. Cobra Commander has nukes from all the countries he has occupied and he is out to make the world submit to his will. He detonates one to show everyone what he has and to send everyone into a panic. The US government tries to think of their next step and they even consider all out surrender.

For the most part, all of this boils down to Cobra having nukes and telling everyone they are ready to use them. It wasn’t much of a plot advancement. Couldn’t we have deduced this when he took over the White House? Sure, they added some drama of the people behind the “buttons” resisting, but Cobra was a step ahead with government plants ready to take those that resist. I didn’t find this all adding much to the story.

Two other lines in this issue brought me some mixed feelings. First the good: the usage of Storm Shadow. He pretty much only gets two pages and they are fantastic. He is sent on a tracking mission to find Destro and his entrances are excellent.

The other is the part I may have disliked the most in this whole arc. Last issue we left Wild Bill, Spirit and Gung-Ho were left surrounded and basically sitting ducks. In this issue they go from running out of ammo and options to basically escaping. This whole sequence smelled of the 1980s cartoon where no one is any real danger. It just left a very bad taste in my mouth. Couldn’t they have been captured? Surely there were other ways to handle this. I guess I would want to see some tangible danger.

In short, I felt like this issue was very ordinary. Which isn’t bad, but it doesn’t stack up with the previous issues. It had the same solid artwork as always and it had the same level of surprises. Oh wait, did I mention there is a surprise ending? It’s pretty cool too.

I know it’s impossible, but if you were going to take an issue off, this would be the one to miss. If you were going to pick up an issue for the first time, you may want to wait for the next car to come along. Some of this issue I loved. Some of it I liked, but a lot of it I found very ordinary. I want outstanding. I expect it.

3 out of 5 geek goggles.

G.I. Joe Americas Elite #32