Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle Reviews

Green Arrow and Black Canary #5
DC Comics
Winick & Conner

Another Green Arrow issue comes out and yet another one that nails it right on the head. How could this title have improved this much with a simple reboot? This issue doesn’t have fighting or villains or pointless dialog. All it has is Green Arrow driving this story with emotion, flashbacks and tons of regret. It’s an awesome issue and it gives us another cliffhanger.

We begin with Black Canary and Red Arrow trying to figure out how or who shot Connor. During the conversation we see Doctor Mid-Nite explain to Black Canary how Connor’s injuries aren’t really just him in a coma, but that his brain is a blank slate.

From here we get a lot of Oliver dealing with his son’s condition. Green Arrow has finally become a real father. Ollie sits beside and just reads to his son. During this issue, Ollie decides to tell Connor how his mom told him she was pregnant, the delivery and the ultimate fallout. This is all excellent information as it weaves the transformation of the playboy Ollie to the Green Arrow Ollie in with the pregnancy and birth of Connor. How much of this is new and how much retold I don’t know, but it was outstanding.

Then we get some interaction between the young Green Arrow and Batman. Batman was asked to track down Connor for Ollie. However, Ollie meets Roy and gives up on the search for Connor. This sequence with Batman is outstanding. Batman and Ollie talk about having sons and what it’s like to have sidekicks that are the real sons. It’s a great scene.

The issue gets better as we get a glimpse into the youthful Connor living with his mother. This part of the comic was great to see some of Connor’s origin, but there were parts I was conflicted with. First of all, he is depicted as being overly violent or hotheaded. It seemed out of place considering how Connor has been in this title over the years, but this could be a new direction for the character which is okay with me. Secondly, the artwork has Connor pale white in skin tone. This I wasn’t a fan of at all. Connor has always been a dark skinned, blond haired guy. I feel like this was an effort to “whiten” him too much. Still, the interaction of Connor and his mother is outstanding.

Connor grows up, Batman tells Ollie where he is and Ollie eventually follows him. Ollie spills his guts to his comatose son. When Black Canary enters the room Ollie explains how he wants to give up being Green Arrow and become the fulltime caregiver for Connor. How long do you think that will last? I’m guessing about one issue.

The issue wraps up with the wedding of Ollie and Canary. I know, they got married already, but that was with the fake Green Arrow. Apparently, this is the real one now. We get some usage of Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman as well which made the scene all the more excellent. Then we get the cliffhanger.

A fantastic issue. This series has been brilliant so far. I don’t know what plans there are for these characters or what is going to happen with the overall direction, but it’s the guessing that has me coming back for more.

5 out of 5 geek goggles.

Green Arrow Black Canary #5