Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle Reviews

Highlander: Way of the Sword #2 of 4
Dynamite Comics
Krul, Rafael, Lopez & Bowland

The second issue provides more storytelling as seen in the first. It moves quickly and has some nice flashbacks and plot movement. Although, not as good as the first one, it does satisfy and helps to create a solid story. It lacks in the area of character introduction (what else is new?) as more characters seem to float in without being accounted for. In all, I did like the issue, but it’s not perfect.

We begin with a nice flashback. Here we learn of how Kurgan lost the sword that he ended up with from the previous issue. It’s a clever use of some of his vices and his aggressive personality. Plus, I like his new haircut. However, the monk and the girls who seduce him are not introduced or explained at all. Are they from the TV show, the movies or some other comic arc? It’s just an annoying little thing about this comic series that I can never get past.

We move back into the 60s (or the present day) to find Connor at the auction with his lady friend, Elizabeth. Here, Connor finds a friend, Sunda. Again, no true introduction (we know is immortal though), but Connor and Sunda discuss the meaning behind the sword that Connor is after – Ramirez’s sword. The auction ends and Ramirez’s sword is never put up for sale.

Connor learns that the sword has been sold to someone in private. Connor meets the buyer and he decides he is willing to wait out the natural death of the buyer to get the sword back. You can do things like this when you are immortal. Connor shacks up with his new friend Elizabeth and then battles Guerin.

This sword fight is interesting between Connor and Guerin because Guerin reveals he did not kill Connor’s friend in the previous issue. This means Connor is not satisfied with just going home. He now has a mystery to solve. Oh, and he does kill Guerin.

Not a bad issue. I liked the story telling and I liked the use of the mystery thrown in there to muddle up the search for the sword aspect of this story. I like the use of the other immortals. I like the artwork. I hate the usage of the secondary characters. I also hate how this issue assumes you know stuff about the Highlander legends and that you have already read the previous issue. This is a big no-no in my book.

I like this series much more than any arc in the previous twelve issues. I hope next issue we get more Kurgan and some Ramirez. This story has some good stuff in it. I actually like the way it has been executed and the overall direction of the story. I recommend it to a Highlander fan.

4 out of 5 geek goggles.

Highlander Way of the Sword #1 (Cover B)

Highlander Way of the Sword #3

Highlander Way of the Sword #4