Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle Reviews

Highlander: Way of the Sword #3
Dynamite Comics
Krul, Rafael, Lopez & Bowland

This is the best Highlander comic I’ve read thus far. Yet, the comic itself is so simple. It really only has three scenes in the whole book. For once, it felt like, from start to finish, I was watching something with the spirit of the first movie. It had some mystery, it had some flashback fighting, it had character information (almost origin-like) and it had Ramirez. I can only hope the finale is as strong to further add to this very strong arc.

The issue opens with more about the sword. I could hear Sean Connery’s voice narrating. The inner monologue is set at the Battle of Plataea. Kurgan versus Ramirez while the Spartans lead the Greeks in their victory over the Persian invaders. Ramirez is, of course, fighting on the side of the Greeks. This whole sequence was outstanding. Making use of this historic battle fit perfectly with the time period that the sword was forged. This battle was actually told as a story by Ramirez to Connor during his training. The dialogue had meaning and it felt like lines Connor and Ramirez might have spoken to each other in the first movie. This was my favorite scene in any Highlander comic to this point.

From here Connor escorts his love interest, Elizabeth, to Italy where she buries her brother, Antonio. Antonio was killed by the man who possesses Ramirez’s sword. This scene brings out the point that lives in all the Highlander tales, which is that they really shouldn’t love anyone mortal. Connor also admits to himself that amidst all his feelings about Elizabeth, they don’t really matter compared to retrieving the sword. He leaves her cold in the night. Something tells me we haven’t seen the last of her.

On to Japan to find the sword. He battles some henchmen and then Toshiro. Toshiro fights using the sword. Connor wins, but Toshiro escapes. The fight is excellent and the way Connor ends the battle is very good. The question I would have that I wasn’t clear about was whether or not Toshiro is an immortal. So Connor gets the sword, but the ending isn’t satisfactory. Thus, the story continues.

A great comic, with plenty of action and plenty to chew in terms of what makes Connor tick. I can’t say enough about how clever the scenes were with the flashbacks and the way both sword fights end. The artwork is excellent. Sean Connery, I mean Ramirez looks great.

There simply wasn’t one thing to complain about with this issue. I even looked up the timelines to try to trip up some of the dates and it all fit. Excellent issue.

I’m not sure the plans for Highlander after next issue (the conclusion of the arc) but I only hope this arc is viewed as the road map for future Highlander stories.

5 out of 5 geek goggles.

Highlander Way of the Sword #3