Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle Reviews

Hulk #2
Marvel Comics
Loeb, McGuinness, Vines & Keith

Okay, just when you thought you had it all figured out after issue one you read issue two and realize nothing is what you think it is. Let’s do a refresh of the old memory. Issue one had sign after sign pointing to the red Hulk being Rick Jones. The issue closed with Bruce Banner in lock down, but awake. Forget all that you saw. This issue decidedly proves Rick Jones is not the red Hulk. It does so with a great, compact story.

We start off with most of the cast from the first issue aboard the SHIELD helicarrier. This cast includes the red Hulk. How did he get on there? Ah yes, how indeed. By page five She-Hulk is taken out and it doesn’t take long until he throws down with Iron Man. Any thought of a slow build up in this arc has vanished, eh? Hulk basically destroys the helicarrier and Iron Man is scrambling to keep the thing afloat. Sounds like mindless Hulk nonsense, right? Wrong.

Hulk speaks to She-Hulk (off camera) and tells her he can kill her whenever he wants to, so we know he can talk and isn’t mindless. Also, while the Hulk was going nuts on the helicarrier someone wiped the computer records clean of the Hulk, red, green or otherwise. What does this have to do with Rick Jones? Well, let’s just say red Hulk confronts Rick Jones at the Gamma Base. However, a blue version of abomination also shows up. Confused? Yeah that pretty much sums it for me too. But it made it all the more interesting.

Notice what isn’t in this issue yet? How about Bruce Banner? Got those wheels turning yet?

Of the many highlights in this issue was the color. Sure, the first full visual of the red Hulk was amazing, but it was the overall usage of colors all over the place that made this issue pop. The reds used in Iron Man and the Hulk, the blue in the new Abomination all made the issue very eye-catching.

Another highlight in this issue was the action. It was fast paced and gave a certain level of chaos aboard the helicarrier.

The issue was also very clever. The comparisons of the helicarrier to the Hindenburg were funny but not overly slapstick. General Ross makes reference to the Hulk by calling out the green, red or blue. A nice bit of foreshadowing for the reveal at the end. The fact that issue doesn’t show Doc Samson anywhere but mentions him as being on the helicarrier leads you down the obvious path that he is the red Hulk. Perhaps it’s just another Red Herring.

It’s clear that the overall identity mystery will continue to be the undercurrent for this initial arc. I’m fine with that. I like that the issues are dropping obvious hints that turn out to be bogus. I also like the idea of making Iron Man a major player in this first arc. From what I have seen in the first two issues I am loving this arc. The nice thing about this issue is that you don’t even need to have read the first issue to like this one. Just sit back and enjoy the action and the mystery.

5 out of 5 geek goggles

Hulk #2