ComicList Critiques by Charles LePage

Justice League The New Frontier DVD
Warner Home Video

Based upon the miniseries of the same name, this DVD would be appreciated most by viewers who either have read the series, or have an extensive knowledge of of the pre -Crisis DC universe. Otherwise, anyone watching this film will be left confused by a large number of on screen characters that carry little or no explanation or background information. Plus, some, like myself, will find the "adult" language unnecessary and diminishing to the overall quality of the movie.

This is not to say the movie is badly made. I found no fault with the voice actors or the animation. The animation is reminiscent of the higher quality cartoons I remember watching in the 70s and 80s. Sometimes it seemed to purposely mimic the stiff 1960s Marvel cartoons. In my opinion the biggest influence was the Jack Kirby Fantastic Four cartoons from the 1980s.

I've started reading the comic book series, so the story was not confusing to me. To the others watching it with me, who had at least a passing understanding of DC comics, there were only a few select characters, such as the Martian Manhunter , Green Lantern, and Flash, that, by the end of the story, left them with few questions. Others, like Superman and Wonder Woman, generated lots of questions (why were they around in the 1940s and 50s? Why was Superman's costume different than I've seen in other cartoons and movies? And so on..). And the sudden and unexplained appearances of Green Arrow, Aquaman and others turned up the befuddlement a few more notches.

Personally, and I understand I'm not a writer or director by any means, I think the adaptation would have been better served by dividing the segments into parts: one section on J'onn J'onzz , one on Hal Jordan, one on the Flash, and one on the heroes from WWII that were still active. Each section could have led up to the final battle sequence, which in itself was VERY well done.

While I give this movie high praise for the quality of the other aspects, I have to criticize the decision to include "adult" language, especially given the lack of warning on the packaging. The movie is rated PG-13, but the box I rented from Blockbuster states it's for "Violent Content/Images." Yes, some of the violence was more "mature" than you might expect in a superhero cartoon, including someone at the beginning killing themselves. But there was no mention of foul language , which was absolutely nonessential. The same expendable expressions made me think less of Superman Doomsday. Hopefully this isn't a continuing trend in future DC movies.

I recommend, if you haven't read the book, to do so, and if you want to see the film version, rent it before you buy it.

Justice League The New Frontier DVD gets 3 out of 5 Eds.

Image from Amazon
Justice League - The New Frontier (Single-Disc Edition)

DC: The New Frontier HC Absolute Edition

Justice League The New Frontier Special