Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle Reviews

New X-Men #45
Marvel Comics
Kyle, Yost & Ramos

Chapter Eight of the Messiah Complex is the first hiccup of this series for me so far. So it took eight issues to happen. Big deal. It’s allowed I think. This issue had lots of action but not a whole lot of plot movement. In the end, I felt like nothing had progressed. Cable is still on the run, we don’t know what his agenda is and don’t have any new Sinister movements. Without the action, this issue would have stunk.

We begin with Cable. He is all bloody and clutching the baby, trying to protect her from the Reavers and Lady Deathstrike. X-Force (Wolverine et al) enters to save Cable.

Then we get a couple of pages of Layla and Madrox. They are being lead to the compound. In other words, nothing has happened and nothing happens, yet.

Back to the battle. Most of X-Force is shredding the Reavers. Wolverine lets X-23 take on Lady Deathstrike.

Predator X enters the issue. Where is that cute mutant killer now? He’s in New York State. That sounds close to the mansion. Who’s in the mansion? Mutants. Wounded mutants. That could be a problem. But the other non-X-Force mutants are there so they are protected.

Then we get a look at the mansion. Some of the mutants are in bad shape, like Hellion and Nightcrawler. Then, Cyclops assembles a second team to head up to where X-Force is to help out. Cyclops is taking almost all the uninjured mutants. This will be trouble for the wounded when Predator X shows.

The battle between X-23 and Lady Deathstrike heats up as X-23 plays a little rope-a-dope. Works like a charm. X-23 finally takes her out. She announces it was all because of what Deathstrike did to Hellion. I’m not sure if Deathstrike is dead-dead or just “dead”. Stay tuned.

Amidst all of this, Cable gets away. Caliban jumps in the way of a shot meant to take out Warpath. What’s interesting is that Warpath was following Cable, then he stops following Cable just to attend to the “dead” Caliban, who was only shot because Warpath was facing the wrong way, following Cable when he shouldn’t have been. Sounds like Warpath is always just a step behind.

Finally Cable steals the X-Force jet and gets away.

Ok, so the action was great. The story really didn’t give us anything though, did it?

The artwork just isn’t my style for the grown-up mutants. The first page with Cable makes him look like he’s wearing sneakers. The baby looks goofy too. Just isn’t my style when not dealing with the X-23, Surge crowd. This issue was very bloody, which always looks good on snow.

In all I want more plot advancement. I cant say I hated this issue by any stretch. I just want to find something out about Cable or Sinister or someone’s plans. Excellent battles and the intro in the beginning will help out any new reader.

3 out of 5 geek goggles.

New X-Men #45


New X-Men #45 (Variant Cover Edition)
