Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle Reviews

New X-Men #46
Marvel Comics
Kyle, Yost & Ramos

How can I review this comic and not reveal some important plot point? I mean, it’s the penultimate issue of the thirteen chapter arc. Major things occur in this issue. The next paragraph will be the spoiler free review.

This issue is a giant battle. We get X-Men, Marauders, Cable, Predator X, New X-Men and points in-between. We learn the reason why the baby was so important to one person. We learn the fate of Sinister from the previous issue. We get some people “dying”. We get a couple of setups for some major blowups in the next issue. We also get a cliffhanger of an ending that will pit three individuals against each other for the life of the baby for the final issue. There you go: spoiler free. It’s a great issue.

In case folks forgot to bail out on the review that don’t want important information revealed I will discuss what I didn’t like very much in this issue. The artwork was very confusing to me. It’s a battle and its supposed to be confusing. I get it. But, I couldn’t even tell who or what Predator X was eating or if he just got a hold of some clothes. In some scenes I could barely make out one figure that includes some ten or twelve people of various affiliations. I struggled with the artwork in the battles in a major way. However, I really liked the art for the individuals. Particularly, Sinister, Rogue, Gambit and Mystique. It was excellent seeing how the facial expressions told the story. Also, when did Cable ever look so menacing? It was great on those fronts.

This issue begins with Mystique caring for Rogue. Sinister informs her that Rogue will die and that it is unavoidable. At this point Mystique grabs Sinister and forces his cheek to touch Rogue’s cheek and, thus, killing him. This is interesting because I suppose his soul is now inside her in some way. So is Sinister dead or is he just “dead”? At any rate, it’s an excellent opening to this issue.

Things heat up when the X-Men start their fight. It’s great seeing Wolverine get shot in the eye. We get some good “watching your back” action in the first couple of pages of the battle. Marauders have the goods on an X-Men and another X-Men sneaks in to save their back. Just when the action is dying down Cyclops and the rest of the X-Men show up. Oh yes, it’s a battle royale.

We get resolution on why Mystique wants the baby. Apparently, she knows that the baby will save Rogue. The scene from the future required Mystique, Gambit and Rogue to all be together. Oh yeah, it also required the baby to go cheek to cheek with Rogue, thus killing the baby.

Predator X rampages through the New X-Men back at the mansion.

Just when Rahne is about to die, Xavier and Cable show up to save her. Then they split up to find the baby making this battle include just about everyone.

Gambit saves the baby from Mystique. He explains that Rogue wouldn’t exactly like being saved by killing a baby. Really, who would? Just when you think it’s all over, Xavier enters and takes the baby from Gambit. I would expected Mystique to fight a little, but I suppose that could come in the next issue.

While the battle is heating up a new player arrives. Pixie teleports everyone at the mansion, including Predator X, to Muir Island. This makes the battle a touch bigger. The thinking was that X-23 had killed one of those before, so she can kill this one too. Nice move Pixie. Also, it appears Veritgo was eaten by Predator X upon arrival.

The cliffhanger is Cable (and baby) versus Bishop versus Predator X. Now, personally I think Predator X is a junior weight among this battle, but whatever. I would also think Cable would give the baby to Xavier for safe keeping but why bother I guess, right?

An excellent issue. Is it the best in the arc? Maybe, maybe not. It really answers some lingering questions and shows that this whole thing was never really X-Men versus Marauders versus Purifiers. It was always Cable against Bishop. It will be interesting to see what happens to Bishop when this is all over. As you can see from the tease, that the next issue is the end of the X-Men. So I guess they all die.

As we’ve probably known all along, not every plot point would get tied up, but it looks like most of the big ones will be. I would be pretty sure Cyclops will have some words with Xavier for bringing Cable back into this mix. I would also think Mystique and Gambit have at it a little. Possibly Rogue wakes up? It will be an interesting issue to wrap this thing up.

I have loved this story from the beginning. When you consider I haven’t read the main X titles in 15 years or so I would say this story was very welcoming to the newcomer. This story was a success in that I may carry on with one or two of the X titles after this thing ends. That’s a good thing. It’s had action, drama, fighting, death, mystery and tons and tons of characters. I can’t remember the last time a story delivered this well on so many fronts like this. This comic was just another in a line of great ones.

5 out of 5 geek goggles.

New X-Men #46