Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle Reviews

Painkiller Jane #4
Dynamite Comics
Palmiotti & Quesada

The first issue of the Jane crossover with the Terminator. This issue sets up the crossover nicely and gives a Terminator reader some information about Jane. However, this issue really gives the Jane reader insight into the Terminator world. It makes for a so-so issue for the regular Jane reader and that is how I would mark this issue as: so-so.

We begin with four solid pages of Jane doing her thing. She is blasting some bad guys and showing no fear. We are introduced to her friend and her assignment leader, Maureen. This sequence packs in a lot of information, but it lacks the bit about Jane’s healing ability and that she is basically a rogue. After Jane kills the bad guys (she’s not Batman) her and Maureen leave the scene.

We fast forward to the future where we get four pages of the Terminator world. From the movies I know the basics. These characters, though, I am not familiar with. But in just four pages I see another red-headed female with no fear and an attitude. Did I need a Jane-in-the-future character? The future characters need to investigate what the robots are up to so they devise a plan.

Back to Jane and Maureen having a chat about one of Jane’s buddies who is captive. Jane wants to rush in and snag her back. Maureen cautions. The plot for this part is very fuzzy. It references some things that happened in past issues and not only were those issues months ago, but does this help out the Terminator reader? Jane busts in and decides not to take out the firearm. This sequence also speaks a little bit about Jane’s healing ability.

Back to the future, where the group of resistance break into the lab where the Terminators are ready for time travel. They watch as one goes back to the past and then a second, a female, is heading back when the robots come into play. The time machine is damaged in the firefight and the Terminator goes back twenty years off target – to Jane’s era. The best part of this whole battle is the involvement of Conner, the basis for the plot of the movies.

We end with the female Terminator demanding Jane’s clothes.

Generally, this is a good issue. It’s not a good Painkiller Jane, but its an entertaining read. Jane is a complex character with a lot of layers. This issue scratches the surface. I hope this crossover will explore her more, but I am thinking we will get this watered-down version of her. That would be a mistake, but we’ll see.

I liked the art. It’s always good and this issue is no exception. The people have that hardened look to them and battle scenes have some blood, which is nice for the realism.

I am interested to see where this all goes. I am hopeful that the Terminator part of this crossover doesn’t dumb down the Jane parts, but we’ll see.

3 out of 5 geek goggles.

Painkiller Jane #4 (Cover A)

D. E.

Painkiller Jane #4 (Cover B)
