Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle Reviews

Star Wars: Dark Times #9
Dark Horse Comics
Harrison, Ross & Antonio

Part 4 of 5 of the story called “Parallels” picks up the pace in the action and things don’t look quite as bleak as I had assumed things would go for the players involved. Another plus is that the issue came out in a timely fashion. I didn’t have to strain my memory to recall last issue’s events. In all, this issue will set things up for the conclusion, where I am sure some of these people will die.

Bomo is on the torture rack taking one for the team. Haka Hai, the man asking the questions, gets too frisky and Bomo passes out, much like that he last guy on the rack. But wait! Bomo was faking it! Haka Hai and his crew step out to get a coffee and Bomo starts his escape. He is lucky to be so short because they couldn’t tie his feet down. Bomo gets away and is faced with some options. He could run, rescue the rest of the crew he was paired with or hide.

Meanwhile, Haka Hai’s betrayer, Lumbra crashes on the planet where the Jedi survivors, K’Kruhk and the younglings are. Lumbra finds the younglings. At first, he just plans to take parts from their ship, until one of the younglings gets wise and a fight breaks out. The only other grown up Jedi, Piru, gets shot. K’Kruhk arrives on the scene after the younglings were dragged off to be sold for the bounty on them to the Empire. Things are looking pretty bad all the way around, eh?

Haka figures out Bomo escaped and sends out his goons to find him. Bomo runs into Crys and rather than trying to sneak away they decide to fight it out and try to free the rest of the crew. How Crys got away from her own predicament is sort of left as an unknown.

K’Kruhk finds that the younglings are gone and that Piru is really alive. After some healing the two split up to rescue the younglings.

A great issue. I had made the guess that Bomo was going to die in this arc. I actually figured it would be in this issue. I was glad to be wrong. In fact, this issue really turns things around for Bomo and he almost looks like a hero. I’m sure this will bring out some disastrous results for the finale. On the other hand, the younglings are in pretty bad shape I’d say. This issue helps to keep you guessing as to who will die and who will chicken out. I liked it.

The art seemed way more polished than the last issue. The coloring and shading all seemed to be complete and up to snuff with the rest of this series as opposed to the previous issue in this arc. The only thing about the art that really seemed out there was the chest of Crys. Holy mackerel how can she even run looking like that? Also, who knew Bomo was so ripped?

I can usually tell how much I liked an issue by how quickly I read through it and how much guessing I do during the issue as to what will happen next. This issue doesn’t disappoint, as I was entertained all the way through. Even a new reader could enjoy this issue and thanks to the full page recap, they wouldn’t be lost. Someone is going to die and we know it can’t be K’Kruhk, so who will it be?

4 out of 5 geek goggles.

Star Wars: Dark Times #9--Parallels part 4