Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle Reviews

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic #23
Dark Horse Comics
Miller, Weaver, Parsons & Atiyeh

Zayne finds himself in a bind. Between his dead friend’s sister (and possibly love interest), one of the Jedi masters who wants him dead, the Taris resistance and the Senator, Zayne may not have a chance to survive no matter what choices he makes. This issue puts Zayne in an impossible bind as the overall plot to this arc has added layers of complications and betrayals.

We begin the issue with some Mandoloarians scheming. We quickly move to the cliffhanger from the last issue. Zayne has been decked and is on the verge of death at the hands of Shel courtesy of the orders of the Jedi master, Raana Tey.

Moomo and Gryph interfere when in walks Senator Goravvus. He is with Tey and under her protection. Order is restored when the Constable’s children are revealed. It appears for the time being that the Senator is willing to work with the resistance leader, Gadon.

If you aren’t confused yet, just hang on.

Gryph and the Senator have a discussion about who hired Gryph when the hologram of Jervo appears from Gryph’s suitcase it becomes apparent that Gryph was sent as an errand boy carrying a bomb to kill the Senator. This was only discovered when Moomo grabbed the Senator as hostage bait. Tey enters the fray to save the Senator. When the Jervo bomb plans are unveiled it becomes obvious that they will all die regardless of their affiliation.

One problem though, the suitcase with the bomb was damaged and the bomb cant detonate. Quickly the Senator and Jervo negotiate a new deal.

Then we cut to some scenes with Jarael and her cam padres. I am not familiar with these characters at all and the number of names that Jarael throws out there is dizzying. It appears either she is in love with a lot of guys, a lot of guys fall for her or both.

Shel confronts Zayne. They argue. She confronts Gryph. They argue. Tey insists Zayne is a sith when the real plot begins.

The Senator wants someone to sneak into the Jedi tower and use the un-detonated bomb to kill Cassus Fett. Zayne volunteers. The brain-trust decides that Shel must accompany him as well as the Jedi Tey. How convenient.

We end the issue with Tey plotting to kill Zayne with She. How shocking.

I liked this issue and how it winded its way through the layers of the overall plot. I liked the various alien characters interacting, all flexing their muscles in one way or another.

What I wasn’t crazy about was how easily Zayne was allowed to be accompanied by the two who just tried to kill him earlier in the issue. I realize Gryph tried to offer himself up, but wouldn’t someone else be curious about Zayne’s chances of coming out of this alive? It seemed very forced in terms of a confrontation.

Being very new to this series I obviously don’t have all the characters and their motivations down yet. However, I am already starting to like Moomo, Gryph and even Tey. It’s a good cast I am finding.

The artwork is great. The aliens look excellent and their colors are particular vibrant. It doesn’t have the war feel to it, but it does have the underground look you’d expect from being, well, underground. I also really liked the layout of the ship that Jarael is on. It’s very detailed and cool.

While I liked the issue in terms of complex plot, I didn’t like the forced group at the end of Zayne and his would be killers. The artwork boosted this issue to its finally rating.

3.5 out of 5 geek goggles.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic #23--Knights of Suffering part 2

Dark Horse