Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle Reviews

Storm Shadow #7
DDP Comics
Hama & Browne

We conclude this arc with what appears to be the final issue of this series with a very good installment. It was probably the second best of this short seven issue run. It had plenty of deep thoughts from Storm Shadow, some fighting and some coy training from Obake Obaasan (hard master’s widow?). It was a very good issue and it’s too bad this series is ending, but at least it goes out with a winner.

Storm Shadow and his friend Alcazar go to Japan to shake off Alcazar’s cancer. They have a nice sparring match in the snow with some swords and witty dialog. From here, we flashback to when they arrived in Japan.

On motorcycle, they ride into a temple and into a secret opening that brings them to Obake. The old woman immediately puts them in a room with several weapons. They are to pick one and duel to the death. This sets up some interesting visuals and some interesting decisions. In the end, no one is killed, but both are taught a hard lesson.

From there, Storm Shadow and Alcazar sit by a tree and catch some falling leaves. More lessons are learned and some more visuals are shown making the sequence more entertaining than it sounds.

Finally, we end up with a couple of ninjas showing up looking for revenge. These are the same two that Storm Shadow cut up on the beach in the last issue. Alcazar shows he has learned his lessons and Storm Shadow teaches the two ninjas a couple of new ones. By the end of the issue only Storm Shadow remains.

A simple issue. Not much in the way of plot per se, but tons of character development. Storm Shadow plays both roles of student and teacher and he plays them to perfection. This issue, more than most, shows how Storm Shadow has many layers and can be as much of a warrior as he can be a savvy teacher. It’s really a great issue and ending.

The artwork leaves nothing to be desired. I was particularly taken by the colors used. It’s such a wide array of them. Just the shades of greens that are used really brings the comic to another level of depth. The art couldn’t match Storm Shadow more perfectly.

In all this is a very good issue for Storm Shadow. I don’t know how it fits into the GI Joe realm, but if you really like the character you should pick this up. Even if the series is cancelled I would say you would still like this issue and you really don’t need to have read the previous ones to understand this one.

5 out of 5 geek goggles.

G.I. Joe Storm Shadow #7

Devils Due Publishing