Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle Reviews

Tales of the Sinestro Corps – Ion #1
DC Comics
Marz & Lacombe

The Sinestro Corps War has ended and it’s time to wrap everything starting with this issue. Note: Read Green Lantern #25, then this issue and then Green Lantern Corps #19. This issue focuses on our two Ion characters: Kyle and Sodam. It’s a way to pass the torch so to speak. I cant say this issue was a must read, but I did enjoy it. The fact is if they didn’t have this issue the Green Lantern Corps title would have had two wrap up issues most likely, which would have been lame.

We begin with Hal, John and Guy waiting by a campfire for Kyle. Kyle is busy catching some flack from the Guardians. He is also arguing with them about why they had him be Ion and take it away from him. In short, the Guardians only had Kyle holding the Ion while they waited for Sodam. Okay, I’ll buy it.

Kyle also questions why they wouldn’t give him another ring, but the renegade Ganthet did. Basically the Guardians just pass it all off. They want their soldiers in line with little lip coming back their way.

We pick things up in the training arena of Kilowog. Kilowog has the rookies taking target practice when Sodam wastes the targets. In steps Kyle to have a word with Sodam. Sodam and Kyle have a nice heart to heart. The only thing about this whole exchange that I really didn’t like is that I felt that Sodam lost his cocky attitude we saw in all the other issues and became more like Kyle. It made me feel like this Sodam guy is a fraud and we really don’t have a true character. I found it annoying.

In steps Nero. He battles Kyle and Sodam. Kyle lets himself get taken by Nero so Sodam can rescue the day. This also was a little strange to me. As if this would suddenly make Sodam realize how great he is. I aint buying it. Anyway, Sodam knocks out Nero and the fight ends.

Kyle and Sodam make nicey nice and Kyle joins back up with Hal, John and Guy. Here Kyle explains how Ion was only a temporary thing and how Sodam is a dope and how the Guardians didn’t give him a sector. Instead, they assigned Kyle to be Guy’s partner as the honor guard. It’s a fitting end for the Green Lanterns.

I liked the artwork a lot, but it really stepped up during the battle with Nero. I also liked the interaction of the four Lanterns in the end of the issue. It was top quality. Again, the Sodam thing was annoying. Visually, I felt he looked way too much like Kyle. Just look at the cover! Are we making Kyle-light, Hal-junior or some type of hybrid? This is how characters end up getting killed. See Bart Allen.

As for the issue, the last five pages were the most meaningful. The interaction between Kyle and Hal, Kyle and Guy are the ones we needed to advance more and it happened. As for the stuff with Sodam, well, let’s just say that some major work needs to be done figuring out what the character of Sodam really is. Otherwise he’ll just be a D-list version of Wonder Woman or Aquaman. A secondary important revelation was that of the Guardians and how Kyle went from being Ion to Sodam being Ion. This was one of the few open issues from the War. It was all very necessary and I am glad they wrapped it up properly. My main problem was the Sodam stuff.

This issue was good, not perfect, but good. Among the various one-shots, it might have been the best. However, they were all very small fish in the big pond of this crossover. If you like Kyle or Sodam (seek help) they you will enjoy this issue.

3.5 out of 5 geek goggles.

Tales Of The Sinestro Corps Ion #1

DC Comics