Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle Reviews

Ultimate Human #2
Marvel Comics
Ellis, Nord & Stewart

I was waiting eagerly for this issue for one reason: Hulk versus Iron Man. Funny thing though, I got that over in Hulk #2 which I read prior to this issue. What I found about this issue that I liked was not so much that they fought, but that Bruce Banner got cured. This issue has a good fight, but more than that it has a scientific explanation about how Tony cured Banner. In addition to that, we are shown how the real villain of the story will ultimately unite Iron Man and the Hulk (at least I think his cure will fail).

We begin with the dust up that began in the previous issue. Tony is getting chased throughout the facility by the grey Hulk. This whole sequence uses humor, with Tony on his cell phone barking out orders, versus the madness of the Hulk. Finally, Tony jumps in his suit and the battle begins, but with a twist: Tony’s suit doesn’t have any armaments.

Hulk smashes Iron Man into the ground. Iron Man lights Hulk’s hair on fire. Iron Man eventually gets the better of Hulk and shoots an electroshock into his eye. This gets the Hulk to revert back to Bruce Banner.

Over the next few pages what we get is the recovery of Bruce Banner and the science of Tony Stark. We get the play by play of how Tony cured Banner. It’s delivered with big words, witty responses and plenty of humor. One of the elements I liked the most from this sequence was the depiction of Banner. He was so weak and pathetic in the first issue. Now, he looks like an angry geek, which seems to fit the profile better, ultimate universe or Marvel universe. This whole part of the comic had a great feel for what I would think both characters would say and feel about the situation.

The issue ends with the Leader hatching a scheme and executing it. This means that the Leader takes both Tony Stark and Bruce Banner captive.

A great issue. It has a solid recap page in the beginning to fill in any new readers that might be picking up this issue. It had great dialog and excellent character development. It had action and it had some great artwork. Some of the highlights of the artwork was the details in the eyes – especially the Hulk’s. Also, the stretchy pants that the Hulk wears brings out some great color contrast. Another item I liked about the issue was the three panel per page style. This isn’t deviated from until the very end of the issue. It adds a nice look to the whole comic.

The only negative points I would mention is the involvement of the Leader. Sure, there are two more issues to bring him fully into the fold, but for the most part, his involvement feels forced almost to the point of it being out of place. It was mentioned on the recap page, but, again, it felt so out of the blue.

In general, the ultimate universe has been more miss than hit with me, but this issue was great on all levels. It felt like a superhero comic, but with a huge science fiction influence. It makes for a great mix of geek-dom. If you are mildly curious I would suggest picking this up. This issue was very entertaining.

4.5 out of 5 geek goggles.

Ultimate Human #2