Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle Reviews

Uncanny X-Men #495
Marvel Comics
Brubaker, Choi & Oback

There are some elements to a comic book that, if done well, can make an issue highly entertaining for me. Action, character development or a complex, layered plot. For example, I could read a full issue of Wolverine and Hulk beating on each other with little dialog if done cleverly with fantastic visuals. On the other hand, I could equally like an issue of Bruce Wayne and Alfred sitting at a table talking over tea and crumpets so long as the dialog brings out character traits that flesh them out more. This issue of the X-Men is more like the latter for me. I liked it very much despite the fact that not much happens in it in the way of action or even big plot movements.

Essentially, this issue splits some of the core X-Men into three groups and takes them on “holiday”. The bulk of the issue is spent with Cyclops and Emma. This is good because Cyclops is the one who said, “No more X-Men” at the conclusion of the Messiah Complex. So naturally I am curious about the full meaning of the statement. There is plenty of dialog between Emma and Scott about the future of the X-Men.

This isn’t all we get out of Cyclops this issue. In the beginning of the issue he is visited by Iron Man who now wants the X-Men to register with the government. Of course, Cyclops freaks out. But what is surprising about this exchange is that Cyclops tells Iron Man that the X-Men are done and they have no secret identities, therefore not needing to register as disguised super heroes. Later on, he admits to Emma that he is lying. Hmmmm……

Cyclops and Emma take a vacation to the Savage Lands where Ka-zar and Shanna help out the character developments some more. We learn through a conversation with Shanna what Emma really sees in Cyclops. To be honest, I never understood how Cyclops always got the chicks to begin with, so this was good stuff. Cyclops also hears from Ka-zar a nice metaphor about survival and fighting for it all the time. This is all good stuff. To bring out more of the inner workings of Cyclops he has some dream sequences of Phoenix and his father. All of this was great to get some more of what Cyclops has going on between the ears.

A cane-assisted Nightcrawler, Colussus and Wolverine are hanging out in Europe. I liked the few pages these guys got a lot as well. These three have been teammates for a long time and you would think that they do have interests together outside of battling villains. Plus, they do a little joke playing on each other to keep it light. This shows me how great Wolverine can be with others. He doesn’t always have to be wandering the Canadian wilderness alone getting into trouble. He can fit in with others. It just shows how diverse of a character he really is. Also, I can’t remember the last time I saw Nightcrawler or Colussus in street clothes.

A small setup to the next issue has Angel out in San Francisco in a strange trip. A long, strange trip. Wink, wink.

The artwork had some really high points for me. For one, the scenery of Europe for the Wolverine road trip was really detailed and eye popping. The depiction of Nightcrawler incognito was really cool as well. Plus, how can Wolverine in a bar and street clothes, cowboy hat and all, not be cool? However, I wasn’t crazy about the rubble of the mansion. It looked like a clean-up crew came through already. I had hoped for more of a smoldering mess (kind of like the cover). Also, much of the issue was a showcase for Emma’s body, I felt at least. It was overkill for me.

All things considered the comic stayed on level with the entertainment value that we saw in Messiah Complex, only without the battles. I really was glad I picked this issue up. What might feel like a throwaway issue provided me with some excellent character interaction that I enjoyed. I would say if you don’t mind a quiet issue then this one is a must have for the X-Men fans.

4.5 out of 5 geek goggles.

Uncanny X-Men #495