Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle Reviews

What If? Spider-Man versus Wolverine #1
Marvel Comics
Parker, Tobin & Henry

The title inside this comic is “The Spider Who Went into the Cold.” So based on this I guess this comic is more about Spider-Man than Wolverine. That’s fine. The title on the cover says “What If? Spider-Man versus Wolverine.” I know because I read the cover over and over again. Why did I do this? The reason is because after reading this issue I seemed to have missed the fight between Spider-man and Wolverine. Why? Because they don’t fight. That’s right folks, there is no “versus” in this issue. Wolverine is barely a factor at all in this issue and when he is, his lines could have been spoken by any one member of the Marvel Universe. This comic is fantastic way to mislead and annoy me, when it should have been a slam-dunk because it doesn’t have continuity holding it back. The missed possibilities and blatant bait and switch will make me extremely weary of buying a Marvel one-shot in the near future.

The issue begins with Nick Fury interrogating some dude named Nebo. Nebo explains how he was on a mission in Russia with Wolverine and a woman was killed and Spider-man was tricked into killing her. Yada, yada, yada. The premise doesn’t matter. The point is that Spider-man opts not to return to New York. Instead, Wolverine convinces him to help find the woman’s sister and rescue her.

There is a good battle against some Russia mutants and some guys with machine guns, but Wolverine and Spider-man are on the same side. The team-up works nice and provides some good visuals. They rescue the girl and retreat to hang out with Nebo. This part is worth mentioning because it is at this point in the comic that Wolverine isn’t needed anymore. His part becomes transparent and pointless for the remainder of the comic.

Spider-man begins his transformation into a spy by going through some training with the woman he rescued and Nebo. Not Wolverine training him, but two people who are third class in this issue. This does provide an interesting change in Spider-man as he begins to use his spidey sense to predict events, even things people are about to say. It’s a pretty cool enhancement to his powers.

Spider-man descends into the ranks of being a killer. He even has a firearm tucked in his web shooter. It’s a pretty decent view on Spider-man, but not in a comic called Spider-Man versus Wolverine. The issue wraps up with Spider-man outsmarting some more villains and leading to the eventual selling out of Nebo. I really didn’t care how it ended, but he ends up staying in Russia and leaving MJ out to dry.

Well, I liked the art. Particularly, the updated Spider-man costume. I liked the enhancement spidey sense as well. I was bored with the story. I was angry with the misleading title. I was dumbfounded at how badly Wolverine was handled. To be honest, I wouldn’t have bought the thing if it was called, “What If? Spider-Man joins the CIA” so in that regard they got my cash. I guess it’s my own fault I didn’t look at every single page to make sure they actually fought.

If you like art and a cool Spider-Man costume then this issue is right up your alley. If you like your story to match the title and cover or you like Wolverine then stay away from this story.

1.5 out of 5 geek goggles.

What If Spider-Man vs. Wolverine