Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle Reviews

World of Warcraft #4
Wildstorm Comics (DC)
Simonson, Lullabi & Hope

This is the issue I have been waiting for! Battles, new enemies, new allies and some secret origin revelations. I was thrilled to read this issue. All kinds of creatures and odd battlegrounds. Every page brought something cool, visually or plot-wise.

Lo’Gosh and Broll are trying to escape the Orcs through the air. After some falling off their flight creatures and battling dogfight-style they get away. Their “bird”, Sharptalon, is injured so they seek a hideout to tend to him.

Meanwhile, Valeera, is hiding out watching a human assassin track Lo’Gosh by checking in with the company he just left.

Lo’Gosh and Broll stumble across a destroyed forest. They know the Orcs did it and then they find their army. Their army is about to engage an army of Elves, Dwarves and humans. Lo’Gosh and Broll eventually let the alliance army in on their scouting information. However, we find out from some of the Elves that Broll has quite an interesting past.

Lo’Gosh devises a plan to defeat the Orcs. He helps lead the alliance into battle.

However, the battle turns bad and that’s when Broll gets angry. He unleashes this massive power that is barely controllable. He essential can control the weather and almost kills everyone.

The battle ends, but the assassin was watching all the developments. This helps him find Lo’Gosh’s weakness. Valeera takes flight to find Lo’Gosh to warn him.

The issue ends with more pieces of Broll’s origin being placed into the puzzle. The Elves tell him that his magic staff (or something like a staff) that was lost has not been destroyed. Broll now has a purpose. He must find it and either cleanse it or destroy it.

This issue is great. The artwork on the battles is outstanding. The pieces to Broll’s origin are well thought out and fit great with what we learned of him in the previous three issues. Finally, Lo’Gosh isn’t the forefront of the entire story. Plus, the usage of more creatures was a huge way to keep this entire issue interesting. The whole issue just smells of a more colorful and sculpted version of Lord of the Rings.

The only downside is that a newcomer might not know anything about what is going on. A simple paragraph describing the three main characters and how they got to where they are would have been more than enough.

I loved the issue. I hope we see the series keep up with this level of cool storytelling.

4.5 out of 5 geek goggles.

World Of Warcraft #4 (Cover A - Samwise Art)

World Of Warcraft #4 (Cover B-Jim Lee art)