Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle Reviews

World War Hulk #5
Marvel Comics
Pak, Romita Jr, Janson & Strain

The epic ends with a bang, a surprise and perhaps a death - maybe two. World War Hulk has been outstanding from the first issue. I was waiting for it to turn downhill and it never did and a got a nice twist at the end. This series ended with its best issue.

All along I have been wondering how this thing will end. I mean, Hulk doesn’t win. He never wins. So how does it end? I refuse to spoil the ending. Go out and buy the comic. Even if you are mildly interested go and buy this thing.

Here is what I can tell you about the plot. Hulk has the heroes battling each other and he gives the death signal for Reed Richards to kill Iron Man. When they are wearing obedience disks these types of commands are generally followed. Just before Reed kills his friend, he stopped. Hulk stops him. Hulk isn’t a killer. Nor does he order deaths. He just likes to scare the crap out of people.

Right after Hulk explains how he plans to the destroy the city instead, the Sentry enters. They fight. And oh what a battle they have.

Finally, Hulk turns back into Banner and in the process gets Sentry to turn back into the little guy, Robert Reynolds. This ends the battle and seemingly the series. However, one of the warbound decides Hulk isn’t done yet. So this warbound friend gets Hulk mad by killing (or seemingly killing) someone near and dear to Hulk and to Banner. Banner Hulks out.

Then we find out who actually planted the bomb on the shuttle that wiped out most of Hulk's planet.

Hulk smashes. Another seems to be killed. Iron Man calls in the heavy artillery from the satellites and the Hulk is annihilated. He isn’t killed, but he is not the same at all. I don’t really know how to classify what he is. He is not the red Hulk that we see in the January solicitations though. I'm not even sure he is the Hulk anymore.

At the end of the comic a new Hulk is born. Still not the red one though. You'll have to open the issue to see who and how there is a new Hulk cause I ain't telling.

In all we see the death (maybe) of two characters, an ending for the Banner-Hulk (for now anyway) and a new Hulk. Not too shabby.

The artwork was not all to my liking. I found it hard to tell what was happening in the battles at times. But you know what? The story is so freaking good I couldn’t care less.

I don’t know if this arc will please die-hard Hulk fans, but as a relative die-hard I loved it. How much can you do with the Hulk? This is something new and leaves many doors open. Not only that the writing really captures the tragedy that is Banner. I enjoyed it from start to finish and the finish is the best installment.

My only complaints would be that there was no rundown as we had in the previous issues and that Cho and his geek-bound don’t even appear in this issue. I could also complain about the delay for this issue, but in the end though does it matter? No.

I don’t know how this story gets topped. I don’t know what happens to Banner, the warbound, General Ross, Cho, Rick Jones or the new Hulk. I know that this arc makes want to find out though.

I wish I went above 5 geek goggles. Battles, revelations, deaths, tragedy, pain and a cliffhanger. This comic is pretty much my pick of the year.

5 out of 5 geek goggles.

World War Hulk #5

Marvel Comics