INDIE COMICS MAGAZINE #3Media Release -- With deft, spare brushstrokes and minimal words, Scott Frantz' samurai story Add-Uchi appears in Indie Comics Magazine #3, scheduled for preorder in Diamond Comic Distributors' August 2011 Previews catalog and available ONLY through Previews. Editor Gary Scott Beatty said he's excited to have Frantz contribute a tale with such quiet power.

"Scott is a real pro and it shows," said Beatty. "In both the art and the writing, what he leaves off the page is just as important as what he includes."

Frantz went from background artist on TV's Faust and Eo to Rebel Studios, where he was co-writer and co-penciller of Meccalapolis in Rebel's anthology Raw Media Mag #3 and creator of Darkstar, an intricate, star spanning space operatic.

In Darkstar, Yorginn, a ruling council member, betrayed two worlds by aligning his allegiance with alien invaders, with catastrophic results for his race. Frantz is now revisiting and reimagining Darkstar, with new designs and even a new name.

A practicing Zen Buddhist, Frantz meditates daily and is learning Japanese.

Each issue of Indie Comics Magazine features full stories from many independent comic book creators, said Beatty. Short biographies and contact information are included so readers can easily seek out more of the creators' work. Frantz's illustrations can be viewed at

Indie Comics Magazine is 64 pages of the best story and art from today's independent comic book creators. No huge overprint, no digital version, no back issue sales, August's Previews under Aazurn Publishing is the ONLY way comic readers can get Indie Comics Magazine #3! Visit Indie Comics Magazine online at