Media Release --Spy6teen has been selected as a finalist in the April competition hosted by Zuda, the webcomics arm of DC Comics.

Written by Tim Simmons, illustrated by DJ Keawekane, colored by Lisa Moore and lettered by Brant W. Fowler, Spy6teen is an action adventure comic about Cally Calhoon, a 16 year old girl recruited into a mysterious government agency known as the QUAD. As Cally works to dismantle a worldwide terrorist organization known as The Chaos Imperious, she must also juggle the much more harrowing challenges of high school…

“I’m extremely excited and honored to be a part of Zuda,” says writer Tim Simmons. “When DJ and I set out to create Spy6teen, we aimed for the web first. Zuda was such a logical choice for us because we both grew up as big fans of DC comics and their various imprints.”

Simmons continues: “We’re at a very exciting time in webcomics now. It’s very progressive and forward thinking that a large company such as DC Comics would open its doors to independent creators, such as myself, and let us creatively run amok.”

Each month Zuda selects 10 entries to compete in an online voting system. Winning entries receive a one year contract from Zuda to forward the storyline of their respective comic on

You can read and vote for Spy6teen at: