Superman: Legacy is coming together. James Gunn has found his Clark and Lois, and he’s cast Green Lantern, Hawkgirl, Mister Terrific, and Metamorpho for the Chapter One kickoff. What about Superman’s iconic nemesis? 

With Gunn’s DCU starting a new cinematic era, is it time for a new Lex Luthor? If so, there’s a superpowered version straight from the comics that would be stunning on the silver screen.

From Gene Hackman and Kevin Spacey basically using mass murder as part of real estate scams to Jesse Eisenberg’s ploy to have Batman and Superman kill each other, there’s not much we haven’t seen Lex Luthor do on the screen. Since his creation in 1941, Lex has been the scheming billionaire and ever-present thorn in the Man of Steel’s side. Whether he’s creating supervillains, running for president, or investing in kryptonite, most readers know what to expect from Lex. 

The next phase of DC’s shared universe will officially begin with Superman: Legacy, a film Gunn will both write and direct. He’s reassured fans that it will not be another Guardians of the Galaxy or The Suicide Squad. Past that, the acclaimed writer/director has been quiet about Legacy.

There are rumors that we will meet Lex in the film, and that presents an opportunity to give audiences something completely new from the Golden Age villain. In fact, this could be the time to give him his own solo film sans Superman.


In 2016, DC Comics decided to take its losses on the failed New 52 franchise reboot. The publisher changed gears and introduced DC Rebirth to its readers. Although many titles were returned to their former timelines, the editorial staff took advantage when it came to Lex. 

Rather than depicting the character in the traditional sense as the embodiment of capitalism’s dark side, Lex became his own version of the Man of Steel. He was a cross between Superman and Iron Man with the S shield and red cape on baby-blue armor. To the dismay of readers, Lex became his own brand of hero beginning with Justice League #52


The armor originated in one of the New 52’s final story arcs, Justice League: Darkseid War. Aiding the JL, Lex went to Apokolips and helped bring down one of the most powerful beings in all of the DC Universe, Darkseid. The people of Apokolips praised Lex as a savior, and the reformed supervillain installed himself as the planet’s ruler. Using a Mother Box and imbued with a bit of Darkseid’s power, he built his new armor. 

Being Lex, he became bored with ruling Apokolips and returned to Metropolis. On this particular Earth, Superman was dead. Lex then took up the fallen hero’s cape and anointed himself the new Man of Steel. After some team ups with the pre-Flashpoint Superman, Lex decided being a hero was pointless. 


Introducing Lex Luthor as a hero or anti-hero would be risky. Comic book fans weren’t sure what to make of his heroic turn in 2016, and mainstream, non-comic-reading audiences would be slow to accept such a change in the character. However, it could be a gamble that pays huge dividends. Giving Lex his own origin film that leads to him being Metropolis’ questionable savior would be a way to establish that Gunn’s DCU is far from the Snyder-verse. 

For that matter, Lex could ultimately be revealed as a villain with a mighty God complex a la The Boys’ Homelander. It would give us a Lex/Superman throwdown that we’ve never seen before. The point is, Gunn is not handcuffed to the traditional Lex Luthor, and there are plenty of solid options that come straight from the comics.