The Silver Age continues to be a profitable era to invest in. I have not seen any decrease in sales or prices. In fact, quite the opposite most books are going up in value especially the bigger keys. The top three keys seem destined for great returns: Carol Danvers is the alter-ego of Captain Marvel and has an upcoming movie starring Brie Larson. King Pin has just been in three episodes of Daredevil and continues to play a role in many Marvel stories. The Silver Surfer and Galactus have some mighty speculation going on for their books and Kevin Feige has hinted about future MCU appearances. These characters and their popularity have driven speculation in each of their top keys.

Marvel Super-Heroes #13

This is the second appearance of Captain Marvel who was really a mainstay of the '70s comic book scene. More importantly, it is the first appearance of Carol Danvers. Danvers is in the upcoming movie "Captain Marvel" as the superhero and female version of this most prized character. Let's see if this is a worthwhile investment; first, it has a catalyst in the upcoming movie. This is always a good sign and I am sure this book has more room to run going into the movie premiere. Second, the return on this investment for a grade (9.4) is positive +4.9% over the last year. Now, this might seem small until you consider we are talking about a (9.4) grade that sold in November 2018 for over $31,000 on Comic Link. If we do a simple percentage conversion that means $31,000 at 4.9% is a $1523.90 return. That is a pretty good chunk of change for a year's investment. Third and finally, the lower grades have even higher returns: grades (4.0) at positive +50.2%, (4.5)  at positive +64.6%, and grade (5.0) at +36.9% ROI. Captain Marvel has turned into a cosmically good investment. Hence, its number three ranking for top sales of the Silver Age in December.

Amazing Spider-Man #50

The first appearance of the great crime lord King Pin is a big Amazing Spider-Man key book. It was created by John Romita and Stan Lee in 1967. Vincent Donofrio has played an admirable version of King Pin in the Daredevil series. Not an easy role to make menacing and Machiavellian. The book itself is one of those keys that people buy and sit on. The lower grade of (3.0) has a FMV of $240. Furthermore, grade (4.0) has returned positive +44.3%ROI. That is a solid return for grade: very good (4.0). The higher grade of (9.6) sold in 2017 for $14,518. The Amazing Spider-Man #50 has fought its way to the second most popular Silver Age comic book during the month of December. My guess is King Pin will continue to manipulate his way into the top-tier books for decades to come. This is a simple buy, and hold.





Fantastic Four #48: First Place

This comic book has surfed to the top of the charts for the last several months. Currently, sitting at the top Silver Age book for December. The Silver Surfer has been around a long time. Back in the '80s, an album "Surfing With the Alien" was recorded by Joe Satriani. It is one heck of an homage to Silver Surfer. "Originally Satriani did not know who the character of Silver Surfer was but his production manager was a comic book fan and suggested they use the character and obtained a license from Marvel" (Source: Wiki). This album charted to 29 on Billboard 200. Try "Surfing" for the alien by purchasing Silver Surfer early appearances in FF comic books early on.

The Surfer is just at the beginning of this comic's ascendancy; after all, Marvel just recently retained the rights to the character, again. Fantastic Four #48  is the first appearance of Silver Surfer and Galactus. These are two heavy hitters that many of the early FF comics used as villains, heroes, and plots for the Fantastic Four team to tangle with. The last FF#48 sold on CommicConnect in grade (9.8) for $31,833 on December 2018. This grade has returned a solid positive +144% on this first appearance. If you can "Surf With the Alien" and buy this comic, more power to you. If not, check out Satriani and buy the later appearances of the Silver Surfer in the original FF comic books.