Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle Reviews

Transformers Maximum Dinobots #5

Transformers Maximum Dinobots #5 of 5
IDW Comics
Furman, Roche, Raiz & Lafuente

The wrap up issue for the series, and possibly the run for writer Simon Furman, is excellent. This issue brings in a few characters for the ending that haven’t been seen in quite some time and again solidifies the core of the Dinobots. The Decepticons prove to be more than capable of freeing themselves from their human captures. It’s a fun and fast issue.

The issue begins with the demise of Sludge. He was taken out at the conclusion of last issue when Shockwave and Scorponok converged on the Dinobots in separate efforts. What we have with this sequence is Grimlock coming into his own as a leader. It’s clear his intentions are selfish all along but can he finally act selflessly when it’s life and death?

While this is going on a fight breaks out between Shockwave and Scorponok. This had two confusing elements to it. First of all, it felt a little forced and clichéd that they would be fighting to see who was going to kill the Dinobots. Secondly, since when did Scorponok become higher than Shockwave in the pecking order?

In the fray the Dinobots escape. All except Grimlock who decides a suicide mission is in order. While this is going on the humans at Skywatch seem ready to use their doomsday-controlling device on the Decepticons, but we really didn’t believe these clowns were ever in control.

The issue ends with a series of excellent surprises and has some characters come into play that made the ending that much better. I can’t say I was entirely surprised to see some of the characters because it seemed Furman was closing off some of his open threads but it was executed very nicely.

The art had some excellent fight sequences. The Shockwave battles with Scorponok and then with Grimlock were excellent. There definitely was a synching up issue with the two artists handling the chores but not nearly as divisive as the last issue.

I’m not sure what is supposed to happen between this story and the All Hail Megatron arc nor am I sure if Furman is up for more stories, but this arc was excellent. Given that most of the major players had their day in the sun in the Revelations arc and this one really only dealt with some of the stragglers left on Earth it really delivered. This isn’t one of the all time Transformers comics and it isn’t even the best in the long Furman run but it is a really solid and entertaining comic.

4 out of 5 geek goggles