It's the early '80s.  A revolutionary film is taking the world by storm and transporting audiences into a digital universe like never before. That film was TRON, a cinematic masterpiece that left a deep imprint as to what reality really meant. For a group of kids like me, it was more than just a movie; it was a gateway to an adventure that unfolded in the vibrant, neon bleep & blips world of the video game arcade.

Creating TRON: A Technological Marvel

Released in 1982, TRON was a groundbreaking film that pushed the possibility boundaries in the world of cinema. Directed by Steven Lisberger and produced by Walt Disney Pictures (who else would be thinking about metaverse concepts in the '80's?!), the movie brought to life a world inside a computer, a concept that was nothing short of mind-blowing at the time.

The film starred Jeff Bridges as Kevin Flynn, a computer programmer who is transported into the digital realm, where he must battle the tyrannical MCP (Master Control Program) and its army of 'programs.' The visuals were ahead of their time, with stunning neon landscapes, wicked-fast light cycles, battle tanks that supremely amplified the Atari 2600 Tank-Battle experience, and frisbee-like discs that added a unique and immersive dimension to the film.

TRON Battle Tank InteriorTRON Battle Tank Interior

Watching TRON was like embarking on a journey into the future. The movie made us feel as if we could step into the screen and become a part of that mesmerizing digital world. The characters, the aesthetics, and the story left us captivated, and it didn't take long for us to yearn for a way to experience the thrills of the Grid in a more interactive manner.

The Arcade Game That Brought the Grid to Life

It didn't take long for our wishes to come true. In the same year as the film's release, the TRON arcade game hit the scene. Created by Bally Midway, this game allowed us Arcade Aficionados to digitize into the User role of the film's protagonist, Kevin Flynn. The graphics may seem primitive by today's standards, but back then, BA-AAAAM they were pure magic.

TRON Video GameTRON Video Game

The TRON arcade game was a multi-faceted wonder.  It featured four mini-games, each representing different scenes from the movie. The "Light Cycles" game allowed us to race against opponents, leaving trails of deadly walls of light in our wake. "MCP Cone" tasked us with battling the Master Control Program and its swarms of digital spiders.  In "Battle Tanks," we engaged in thrilling tank warfare, while "I/O Tower" involved navigating a maze-like grid.

But it wasn't just the gameplay that drew us in; it was the ambiance. The arcade cabinet was a sight to behold, with its glowing blue graphics, neon strips, and a futuristic joystick. The game's soundtrack, composed by Brad Fuller, perfectly recreated the film's electronic score, immersing us in the TRON universe.

TRON Video GameTRON Video Game

Playing TRON at the arcade was a sensory experience.

The beeping and blooping sounds, the glow of the screen, and the adrenaline rush of the games made us feel like true denizens of the digital realm.  Hours flew by (and pockets full of quarters) as we competed against friends and strangers; we weren't just playing a game – we were living the movie.

Chrome Kuwahara BMX BikeBMX Bike...or LIGHT CYCLE?

And let me say this...riding THE CHROME KUEY home, my buddies & I battled hard the entire way.  These were no longer BMX bikes, they were LIGHT CYCLES.  Yeah, we rammed into each other, kicked at legs, cut each other off...never wore helmets or pads, yet we survived.  Stronger, faster, readier for the next challenge tomorrow...our Users were PROUD.

Nostalgic Memories of the Grid

As a kid, there was nothing quite like the excitement of entering that dimly lit arcade, inserting quarters into the game machine, and losing yourself in the glowing world of the Game Grid. The feeling of triumph, when I outmaneuvered my opponents in Light Cycles or successfully defeated the MCP, is a memory that still brings a smile to my face.

The game wasn't just a way to kill time; it was reliving the film's magic, becoming part of that digital adventure we all cherished. The game's release in 1982 was a perfect complement to the movie and solidified the legacy of TRON in the hearts of those of us who grew up in that era.  Disney then released TRON movie posters and of course, TRON MAGAZINE.  We couldn't get enough...

[caption id="attachment_270308" align="aligncenter" width="258"]TRON Magazine & Poster TRON Magazine & Poster[/caption]

So, Why Am I Sharing This #NostalgicReSpark With You?

TRON has suddenly become VERY, VERY RELEVANT.  No, I'm not talking about the 2010 TRON LEGACY re-release (which surprisingly, wasn't all that bad!).

I'm talking about what DISNEY ENVISIONED BACK IN 1982 - A METAVERSE.

It's now 2023 / 2024, and we're pretty damned close to seeing the first real, working metaverses going mainstream.  Digital Collectibles app VeVe, which holds massive IP partners like Star Wars, Marvel...and DISNEY, is launching its metaverse platform called the VeVeVerse.  Might DISNEY be connected beyond supplying their historical IP to VeVe as digital collectible assets?  NOT SURE, but there's no question Disney understands the ENTERTAINMENT industry, and if metaverses aren't the next evolution of entertainment, I don't know what is.

If you're lucky enough to have visited Walt Disney World in Florida, and tried the TRON LIGHT CYCLE ride, congratulations.  I am 100% JEALOUS.  Same too for the SPHERE in Vegas, but again...immersive experiences are the new frontier of entertainment.  Think about how we take so many tech toys enjoyed today for granted.  Star Trek intro'd us to flip phones, Facetime, tablet computers & universal translator apps.  So a METAVERSE from TRON?  Place Your Bets.

Virtual, Internet-connected gaming has been the mainstay for gamers for many years now and produced some incredible titles such as Call of Duty, Fortnite, World of Warcraft and so many more.  But suddenly, strapping on a pair of Apple AR Glasses could place you RIGHT ON THAT LIGHT CYCLE, barely knowing if it's reality or not.

And THAT is where today's Metaverse environments are going to make the imagination of TRON'S SYNC CHAMBER (where riders would 'connect' to their cycles) a fully engrossed gaming experience.  I'm a bit older geezer these days, but there is NO WAY I'm not going to give that a try!  For those of us who may be challenged traveling to Disney World, this could sure be a great way to offset that concern!


Even COOLER, HERITAGE AUCTIONS recently offered official movie materials to collectors everywhere!  Per HA writer Robert Wilonsky, "Heritage Auctions will offer nearly 80 lots of original production-used artwork and artifacts from TRON from the collections of two of its key makers, Harrison Ellenshaw and technical effects supervisor John Scheele.  For the first time, collectors and the film’s fans will have a chance to own a tangible piece of The Film That Changed Everything."

TRON Collectibles from Heritage Auctions

TRON Collectibles from Heritage Auctions

For an even deeper read into the TRON EXPERIENCE, check out Robert's article on Heritage Auctions "Remembering 'TRON,' The Movie That Transformed Cinema Forever"

[caption id="attachment_270309" align="aligncenter" width="569"]Remembering TRON Remembering TRON[/caption]

TRON was more than just a movie and video game; it was an adventure, a journey into a digital universe that many of will simply never forget.  The potential of a 1982 CGI-based movie inspiring the creation of an entirely new class of immersive entertainment is simply compelling.

To end off, as I dare say out loud...PLEASE VEVE - "WEN" TRON DIGITAL COLLECTIBLES IN THE APP? 

Always worth the try hahaha!  Thanks for Reading!

Are you a Tron fan? Let us know in the comments!

*Any perceived investment advice is that of the freelance blogger and does not represent advice on behalf of GoCollect.