Welcome back to this week's look at Heritage's Sunday night movie poster auction! Every week Heritage auctions off some truly unique finds across all movie genres, such as movie serials, animation, science fiction, romance, and more. Each week I find a few gems that could be overlooked! Here are my pics for this week's unique finds! 

Christine (1983)

Stephen King's works are some of the most well-known, and well adapted, in the horror genre. It, Children of the Corn, Carrie, and Christine, are just a handful of the dozens of adaptations of his works. John Carpenter directed this at-times over the top film, but 40 years later and this movie is still a ton of fun to watch. It is said that only two of the Christine cars have survived, and have come up for auction in 2004 and 2020 respectively. While many of us enjoy this film, King himself admitted to thinking the movie was rather boring. A remake was announced in 2021, but as of now, that project seems to be abandoned.

This unrestored poster is noted as being in Very Fine - condition. This is a great, eye-catching poster with the famous killer car front and center. If you like horror or are a huge Stephen King fan, don't miss the chance to get this poster.

Carrie (1976)

Stephen King's Carrie took a while to get her legs. The story was King's first, and in the beginning, he didn't like it. The story was reworked, and after its release, the book wasn't a big hit. However, there was potential. In 1976 the film adaptation (the first adaptation of a King story) was released to high praise.

The image of Carrie drenched in pig blood is iconic, and has been replicated countless times since 1976. Carrie was considered one of the best films released in 1976 and was nominated for two Academy Awards. King noted that he was paid a mere $2,500 for Carrie's film rights- which isn't a lot- but most of us can agree that his career didn't suffer. Carrie would launch a small franchise with a sequel, stage productions, a television film, and a 2013 remake.

Heritage notes that this poster is unrestored and in Very Fine - condition but with clear wear. The fold marks add to this already creepy poster. This would look perfect next to the Christine poster mentioned above!

Creepshow 2 (1987)

Another movie based on stories by Stephen King, this anthology movie is the sequel to the popular Creepshow. The sequel contains three stories that are bound together via a horror comic. The animation sequences between the live-action stories are downright fun, yet sometimes off-putting. This movie even empowers a bullied child with the help of said horror comic, though one could argue that manslaughter via Venus Fly Trap isn't exactly empowering. The end credits feature a poignant quote from Colliers Magazine (1949) about the influence of comic books on children, driving home that comic books are just another form of entertainment;

Juvenile delinquency is the product of pent-up frustrations, stored-up resentments and bottled-up fears. It is not the product of cartoons and captions. But the comics are a handy, obvious, uncomplicated scapegoat. If the adults who crusade against them would only get steamed up over such basic causes of delinquency as parental ignorance, indifference and cruelty, they might discover that comic books are no more then a menace than Treasure Island or Jack the Giant Killer.

Unlike the first movie, this sequel did not perform as well and is generally considered the lesser of the two. But if you appreciate campy horror and EC-style horror, this movie is perfect for you.