Some of you may have noticed either not being available or looking a little weird yesterday. This was due to a behind the scenes upgrade of the B2Evolution blogging software, from 1.10 to 2.4.1. At the same time, I've bumped up my PHP settings to 5. The plain English version of this is, these were all steps to making faster and more functional, and I apologize for any inconvenience that occurred yesterday.

One of the items I can now work on is improving the linkblog. Now I can start moving over my links to professionals and publishers without clogging up the main part of the site.

As always, any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

My associate EdB, who went way out of his way to assist me in upgrading, has asked me to spread the word about a project he's working on, that now requires the involvement of comic book artist.

He can be reached at:


Here's how he described his plans to me:

I've been half-way working on a "comic friendly" version of either a skin or a plugin or a full-blown hack of b2evo v241 but can't really do crap without a comic artist being engaged in the process.

Kinda like the Wordpress "comic skin" which is a bit more than just a skin I'm pretty sure.

Anyway if you know cartoonists/illustrators interested in using a blog app to publish their works and don't mind being a beta candidate please put them in touch with me. Getting some actual feedback from an actual artist would, you know, help the process immensely.

Just be aware... that results are not instantly available and that the product is in development and ... you know: warn people that it's a totally beta idea. From a dude who pretty much delivers more often than not, but the time frame would be unknown and even the ability to do what an illustrator would want done might be beyond me.