Jake Gyllenhaal gave one of the most unhinged supervillain performances ever as Quentin Beck/Mysterio in 2019’s Spider-Man: Far From Home. Despite the character’s on-screen death in the movie, fans have theorized that Mysterio may not be so dead after all - given he is the master of illusion! Today, we ask a simple but unique question: Will Mysterio return to the MCU in the near future?

Mysterio_returnMysterio: Master of Illusion!

First appearing in Amazing Spider-Man #13 in June of 1964, Mysterio immediately became a fan-favorite character. Since his debut, Mysterio has appeared in countless animated adaptations, video games, and, thanks to No Way Home, live-action film. 

While the Marvel Cinematic Universe iteration of the character changed a few things (in the comics, Beck was a special effects wizard and occasional stunt man), Jon Watts and Kevin Feige deserve some true respect for bringing the character to the big screen with his over-the-top, ridiculous and yet awesome fish-bowl helmet. With a character so goofy looking, it is really admirable to have an adaptation that is not only faithful to the source material but not shy of being a little silly.

Will Mysterio Return to the MCU?

In the comics, Mysterio has cheated death countless times before, changing his identity in the process. All that said, it is not unrealistic to imagine a similar fate for Gyllenhaal’s Mysterio in the MCU. According to the writers of Spider-Man: No Way Home (which crossed $1.74 billion worldwide this past weekend), Mysterio’s return was “weighed.”

Gyllenhaal_MysterioIn an interview with Jeff Goldsmith, one half of the writing team, Chris McKenna remarked, Yes, there was [talk of Mysterio or Rhino returns]. Yeah, there was definitely talk, like, 'Who is the Sinister Six here? If you want six, you can always say Venom was the sixth [member] if you want. He's in the tag, he made it [into the MCU], but he never made it out of Mexico (laughs). There was always that talk of, 'Should we be doing officially the Six?'"

So, there you have it! Mysterio is still ‘technically’ dead in the MCU, but the fact that the writers of the film considered having him appear despite this leads me to think Marvel, nor Gyllenhaal are done with the character. Additionally, leaked concept art of Mysterio fighting Doctor Strange from the upcoming Art of Spider-Man: No Way Home book has hit the web! You can check it out here.

What do you guys think? Could we see Gyllenhaal return to the role in the next few years? When it comes time to do an official ‘Sinister Six’ in the MCU, I would be shocked if Mysterio were not either a part of the line-up, or the group’s fearsome leader.

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