Hollywood gives out all kinds of awards.  The Oscars, Emmy, People's Choice, S.A.G., and others all celebrate artists' contributions to film and television. I felt left out, so here are my Collector Awards. The Collectors highlight celebrity contributions in the collecting field... and the winners of the 1st Annual Collectors are:

Best Lifetime Frenemies'  Award

Winner: Tom Welling and Michael Rosenbaum

Reasons for Win

Michael Rosenbaum and Tom Welling's work in Smallville set the stage for the MCU, MCEU, and other comic book properties.  Gone was the need to portray comic book characters as cartoonish caricatures. Rosenbaum and Welling's character development and onscreen chemistry made storytelling more important than special effects. The viewers watched as two very pure characters experienced life and made choices that would lead them to their iconic paths.

An emphasis on storytelling is what has made such shows like "Riverdale", "Wednesday", and "Iron Man" possible. There was now no need to simplify the story or have the action come from the hero rescuing the damsel in distress.  Welling and Rosenbaum introduced an emphasis on the inner conflict to fans of the show and they ate it up.  Iron Man's Robert Downey Jr. followed in their footsteps by stressing the "man" rather than the "iron" aspect of the character. Comic book properties grew up and were now viewed as sophisticated source material, and it all started with Tom Welling's Clark Kent and Michael Rosenbaum's Lex Luthor.

Impact on Collecting

Comic book properties exploded onto the small and silver screen. A greatly anticipated Spider-Man film would follow the next year. More comic book properties were developed for media projects because Hollywood realized they served as great source material with a built-in audience. Television and movies continue to drive the collecting market with every rumor and announcement of the next property in development to this day.

Tom Welling and Michael Rosenbaum's work in Smallville made this all possible. They then continued that legacy by still appearing in comic properties.  Welling appeared in a season of Lucifer and an episode on Batwoman while Rosenbaum has appeared in the DC Animated Universe, the MCU's Guardians of the Galaxy 2 as well as hosting his own podcast show.  Both can still be seen on the comic con circuit supporting all things comics. Frenemies on the screen that has led to a lifetime friendship off-screen.  The comic book world is a better place because of these two individuals.

Founding Father of Collecting Award

Winner: Nicholas Cage

Reasons for Win

Many actors play characters and immerse themselves in comics to understand the character. Nicholas Cage never had to do that because he was a true comic book fan.  His comic book collection was the talk of the collecting community. When others were dabbling in stocks and bonds, Mr. Cage diversified his investment portfolio with such purchases as Action Comics #1 and Detective Comics #27.  Sadly, some of those books were stolen and never recovered, but he still talks about them to this day.

The ultimate comic book fan's interest in the hobby is evident in the roles he wanted to pursue.  Cage was cast to play Clark Kent in a proposed Superman project that never came to fruition. He then brought the demonic Ghost Rider to film long before the MCU was born.  His belief in the comic book medium has been evident in both his career choices as well as in his investments.  Unlike some celebs, he never was a paid investment spokesperson. Instead, he led by example and for that, he truly was a great unofficial spokesperson for the viability of comic book collecting and investing.

Impact on Collecting

Cage is an ultimate fan who changed the image of the comic book investor and collector.  He forced the world to see collectors and investors as more than overweight unpopular shut-ins living in their parent's basement.  The complexity and viability of comic books as investments were now known when one of Hollywood's icons realized their potential.  This belief has grown and now comics and other collectibles are viewed by investment advisors as a viable, although somewhat risky, alternative investment. He also demonstrated that a well-diversified collection is the best way to hedge against downward trends.

Creator of a Television Universe Award

Winner: Stephen Amell

Reasons for Win

Stephen Amell is known for immersing himself in the characters he portrays on television.  He actually wrestled several matches with pro wrestlers before he took on his current role on  "Heels".  Amell made his mark among comic book fans as Green Arrow on "Arrow", the foundation of what is now known as the Arrowverse. Others may have thought of the idea, but his portrayal of the main character made it a success.  His dedication to playing this less powerful hero made it all the more compelling.

Success breeds imitation. Gradually, other heroes were introduced to fill a whole network's programming to create an interconnected universe.  There was not a night during a period on the CW that was not influenced by the Arrowverse.  This was a trend that others soon replicated. Disney may have been known for the film MCU, but that did not stop them from creating television shows after seeing the success of the Arrowverse. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D was introduced the following year on ABC.  A few years later, an intertwined street-level group of Marvel characters appeared on Netflix.  Now we even have MCU characters appearing on episodic Disney+ television shows. This all started with "Arrow".

Impact on Collecting

The door to comic book characters was opened by "Arrow". Television programming featuring comic book intellectual properties flooded the airwaves. These introductions made certain collectibles in vogue among the collecting community.  Instead of only focusing on movies,  collectors now had a plethora of television shows to now exploit. If the interconnected Arrowverse failed, this type of programming may not have been made.  Collectors then would have a much more limited scope of characters to focus on.

Lifetime Comic Book Supporter  Award

Winner: Kevin Smith

Reasons for Win

No other celebrity has done more for comic books and the collectible market than Kevin Smith.  His lifelong love of the medium made him put his money where his heart lies, so he bought a comic book store in New Jersey called Jay and Silent Bob's Secret Stash (no it is not a pot store).  He then filmed the AMC television show "Comic Book Men," which talked about comic books and pop culture from the store.

He has written and/or directed numerous movies and television shows that featured comic books or characters in their stories. The View Askew Productions company featured comic books as well as comic book writers and artists so much that one could argue there may have never been a "Big Bang Theory" if not for Kevin Smith's usage of comic book themes in his productions.  In addition, the Stan Lee cameo was not born with the MCU's "Iron Man".  This homage started with Kevin Smith's "Mallrats".

Kevin Smith also opened the door for celebrities to become more involved with comic books.  Many actors and actresses were previously featured in comic books in relation to licensed properties.  Kevin Smith was one of a group of early celebrities who took this to the next level by writing stories for comic book lines. Comic books became an artistic conduit to release ideas that were rejected by studios as well as to contribute to mainstream characters that he enjoyed.

Other celebrities such as CM Punk (pro wrestler, MMA), Aimee Garcia ("Lucifer"), and others would soon follow suit and add their voices to the history of comic books. Kevin Smith was one of the earliest to do so.

Impact on Collecting

Kevin Smith's fingerprints are all over the comic book collecting hobby.  He treated the subject as a newsworthy concept while entertaining with his "Comic Book Men" show.  He also pushed the idea that comics were more than just for kids with his Bluntman and Chronic characters.  If it deals with comic books, then it is a good bet Kevin Smith has done it.  Others in the comic book field may have been more influential, but it can be argued that no comic book outsiders have had that level of influence.

Local True Fanboy Award

Winner:  Jamaal Williams

Reasons for Win

The Emmys gives local awards for outstanding performance in statewide and local media. Jamaal Williams of the Detroit Lions is a local winner for the Michigan region.  Detroit Lion's head coach, Dan Campbell, is a player's coach who is installing a team culture where players are encouraged to be themselves to foster a winning atmosphere.  It is important to Coach Campbell that Jamaal Williams was himself both on and off the field.

During the NBC Saturday Night Football player introduction Williams introduced himself with a reference that let fans know of his love of all things anime. This game had playoff implications and yet being himself both on and off the field maximized his talents. In the game, he delivered on the field as well by rushing for 2 TDs in a game that eliminated his former team, the Green Bay Packers.

Jamaal Williams demonstrated his love of pop culture as a comic book con celebrity guest during his bye week.  At the Motor City Comic Con, he talked football with his fans but his eyes lit up when anyone mentioned anime.  Rarely do professional athletes show their love of pop culture to such a deep level, but not Jamaal Williams.  The star running back serves as a role model to a younger generation that it is acceptable to let your inner geek out because the only thing that is important is being happy.

Impact on Collecting

The collecting hobby always needs younger participants to be sustainable. Many items that once were collectible lose their popularity as people age.  Jamaal Williams has a young fan base that he can influence. Many fans watch him and try to follow what interests him.  His passion for Naruto and Pokemon has been passed on to his fans.  Many may not be as passionate about anime as him, but every new fan helps.

The revelation that a star athlete can also like anime is a great gateway to other things collectible.  It also helps because a few of those younger fans may even get into manga and read more than they would otherwise. Reaching these young fans and telling them to be themselves and to read is worth more than six points because his off-the-field contributions will truly last a lifetime.

Giving Fans What They Want Award

Winner: Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman

Reasons for Win

We saved one of the most monumental awards for last. Not even two separate corporate universes could keep Ryan Reynolds' Deadpool and Hugh Jackman's Wolverine apart. Teased on social media by both stars after a corporate merger, fans rejoiced when the official announcement was made.  Reynolds had convinced Jackman for one last ride as Wolverine and Jackman is already preparing physically for the role.  Reynolds promised their tale would not be for the faint of heart.  Pain and mayhem will be on full display in this movie.

I envision comedy to also be present.  That is the reason I do not eliminate a scene where Wolverine rides a motorcycle with Deadpool on the back bike.  Instead of rugged scenes, viewers could see the Merc with a Mouth hugging the X-Man while daydreaming of him drawing "Deadpool and Wolverine forever "pictures like a love-sick high school student.

Whether they are running through a field of dismembered limbs or a Deadpool-fantasized field of daisies, the on-screen meeting between these two characters is what the fans truly want.

Impact on Collecting

Movie tie-ins still drive the collectible market.  The pairing of Deadpool and Wolverine has opened up a whole new universe to collectors.  Ancillary characters and storylines are targeted by fans because of a rabid desire to own something related to Deadpool and Wolverine.  Godzilla and King Kong may have been big onscreen, but they will pale in comparison to the frenzy created by Reynolds' Deadpool and Jackman's Wolverine pairing.

Related collectibles usually diminish in popularity after a movie is released. That is the rule.  There is also an understanding that every rule has an exception.  The meeting of these two characters will be that exception.  People will wait for prices to plummet for keys but that will not be the case. Certain characters transcend the film bump. The pairing of two iconic characters is a collector's dream.  Studios usually give fans what they think they want or need.  This time they are giving fans what they truly have been begging for years to receive, and not it is not...Chimichangas!!!

The End

That is it, readers.  Celebs who influenced the comic book market.   What do you think?  Do you agree with my selections?  Were there any names I missed?  Will we find out that Reynolds views this win as bigger than any Oscar award he could ever receive?  Let us know in the comment section.

"Did I really earn this, or did I just wear you down?"

Sandra Bullock

*Any perceived investment advice is that of the freelance blogger and does not represent advice on behalf of GoCollect.