by ARIELLAZO | June 1, 2020

Everyone knows the Justice League of America (JLA). Unfortunately, the movie did it no justice at all. Luckily the Snyder Cut is supposedly coming out on HBO Max in 2021. But did you know there was a team that came before them? That team...

by ARIELLAZO | May 28, 2020

No, but if they did it would be Doctor Occult! He wields arcane magic like Constantine, while also being a formidable detective. I'll forgive you if you don't know who this is because honestly, neither did I till I researched him. But this supernatural detective just...

by ARIELLAZO | May 23, 2020

This month saw the beginning of the pandemic affecting the Comic Book industry in many ways. Although Diamond didn't stop shipping till April 1st, many shops were already being forced to close. According to ComicChron, "While week 4 debuts had lower orders than for any week in...

by ARIELLAZO | May 11, 2020

The month that Batman #89 made famous. This month we saw some highs and lows like every month, but one book beat out the second-place spot by over 100,000 copies! Which book you may ask? As always keep reading to see the lineup! Although a...

by ARIELLAZO | May 9, 2020

Last year was an amazing year for comics. So many stars rose to fame as did many titles. Although many of us know the titles and/or characters, many of us do not know the names and faces behind these works. Many of these...

by ARIELLAZO | April 17, 2020

Time for round two of Blue Ocean Books! In case you forgot, Blue Ocean books are comics that no one is looking at right now. For example, when Marvel announced that Ronin would be in EndGame, everybody went crazy over the first appearance. That's called the Red...

by ARIELLAZO | April 1, 2020

Since we are all locked in and many of us with tiny tots, why not give them something to read! Not only will it inspire creativity but it will also help them develop their vocabulary. See it's a win-win for everyone! Below is a list of some...

by ARIELLAZO | March 27, 2020

UDATED VERSION COMING SOON! Now that our brand new site is live, there is a lot more to tell you about!   Welcome to the amazing world of GoCollect! Before writing for GoCollect, I used the site religiously to know how much I should pay for my...

by ARIELLAZO | March 27, 2020

Gotham is in need of help, but who will help Gotham against its newest villain, BATMAN? Set in a different continuity than The New 52, it opens up with Jack Napier, aka The Joker, walking into GCPD going to speak to an inmate. The...

by ARIELLAZO | March 15, 2020

Confused about the title? That means you have not seen one of the latest videos posted on the Regie Collects YouTube page by our new amazing host, Regie. In this video, he breaks down the comic market into two fields, the Red and Blue Ocean...