by ARIELLAZO | October 27, 2020

If you haven't heard yet, Amazon will be producing a television series based on the Image Comic Invincible by Robert Kirkman, Cory Walker and illustrated by Ryan Ottley. I'll be honest before the news I knew very little about this hero. I also think not many others...

by ARIELLAZO | October 18, 2020

I was chatting with a friend on Instagram when this question popped up. Have you reached your pinnacle? Take a second and think about that. For all of us, there are certain comics that we need to have. But what then? What happens once you have all...

by ARIELLAZO | October 14, 2020

[caption id="attachment_59640" align="alignleft" width="300"] All pictures are from the Instagram user comics_I_gathered[/caption] Many of us collectors love certain teams or characters. So much so that we collect everything about them. Take me for example, I LOVE Red Hood. So...

by ARIELLAZO | October 3, 2020

Have you ever had the chance to hold a Golden Age book? To feel its pages in your hands? Even the smell from a Golden Age book is different than modern ones. Recently, many of these books have seen a tremendous rise. For those who do not...

by ARIELLAZO | September 30, 2020

You know that feeling you get when a book you own all of a sudden gets really hot? That rush knowing that everyone is chasing a book you already so proudly have in your collection? Yeah me too! and I LOVE IT! But how do you...

by ARIELLAZO | September 21, 2020

Last year when the trailer dropped for Morbius, it was all the rage. Everyone jumped on all the keys and couldn't stop speculating on it. But due to the Mighty Rona, many plans have been placed on pause. However, now is the time to jump on these...

by ARIELLAZO | September 13, 2020

Flashpoint is one of the biggest DC events ever. It changed origin stories and ushered in DC's New 52. In other words, every DC book that has been published in the past 5 years has its beginnings at Flashpoint. But what is Flashpoint? What events occurred that...

by ARIELLAZO | August 30, 2020

DC Fandome recently concluded and if you missed it, you missed A LOT! Although not a huge fan of DC movies, I might have to change my mind with some of the reveals I saw. One reveal that I hoped beyond hope would come, did. Seeing Red...

by ARIELLAZO | August 25, 2020

Comic collectors always get a bad wrap. We always have for years now. However, people fail to realize that comics are just simply AMAZING! They transport us to a world that we can't even begin to dream of. They give us hope, courage, and inspire us to...

by ARIELLAZO | August 23, 2020

Censorship is as American as apple pie. Movies and TV shows all have been censored and given a rating for the public to know what is safe for young viewers. So it's not a surprise that comics have been heavily censored as well. The "Approved By the...