by ARIELLAZO | January 16, 2021

Now that one of the worst years ever has ended, it is time to up your collecting game. Instead of diving into the Red Ocean, let’s take a look at 5 Modern Books that are sitting in the Blue Waters. In case you are new to our...

by ARIELLAZO | January 7, 2021

When it comes to first appearances, people tend to forget that covers count as well. There are many cover first appearances that go unnoticed or forgotten by collectors. Sometimes they are overlooked because there isn’t much information on them. Well, thanks to a great GoCollect subscriber I...

by ARIELLAZO | December 31, 2020

Disney Investor Day has dropped some major bombs into our laps. So many amazing movies and shows have been confirmed to be arriving very soon. Along with the news, we have seen some new trailers that have given us more questions than answers, one being the Loki...

by ARIELLAZO | December 21, 2020

For years there has been a playful rivalry between DC and Marvel fans. But did you know they copied characters from each other? Let’s play a game and test your knowledge to see if you can figure which hero or villain appeared first!    

by ARIELLAZO | December 16, 2020

Did you know that Captain America was NOT the first real super soldier? Or that there have been many people who were put through the Weapon Plus Program? Well, I am here to shed some light on the program that created many of our beloved characters. Keep...

by ARIELLAZO | December 15, 2020

I have gathered up some key books that you should definitely try and snatch up or place on your pull list in the next few weeks. Remember, if you want to find out what books are key books, you can use the Key Issue feature on GoCollect...

by ARIELLAZO | December 7, 2020

The news that we have all been waiting for has arrived! Well, second to seeing the X-Men coming to the big screen, hahaha. Either way, Deadpool 3 has been confirmed! What do we already know? The veteran writing sisters from Bob’s Burgers, Wendy Molyneux and Lizzie...

by ARIELLAZO | December 1, 2020

We have all heard the stories of those who swing from building to building, can outrun a speeding bullet, and instill fear in the hearts of criminals. But who are those who came before them? The Golden Age holds a special place in many of our hearts....

by ARIELLAZO | November 1, 2020

With so much talk about the Justice League Snyder Cut, people have forgotten about Justice League Dark (JLD). Not only is J.J. Abrams working on this project, but he might also be working on two spin-offs related to it. To learn more about what keys you should...

by ARIELLAZO | October 31, 2020

Although there are tons of questions concerning the upcoming Disney+ show WandaVision, I will only focus on Vision. But if Vision died in Infinity War how did he return? This is a question every fan has been asking. In the upcoming show WandaVision, we have seen Vision,...